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It's our boat and we're stumped, too

We just bought this boat. Two owners ago, someone added 5' to the back of the boat and added this, too. I'm with the person who posted something like it's what happens when male enhancement pills are dropped in the fuel tank. So far, no lobster lines, mermaids or dolphins hooked, but lots of opportunities for dock talk. I'm hoping that it does cut down on bow slapping when sleeping but so far, we haven't had much problem with that 'cause the water's been pretty calm.
Seems to me that even if it does raise the bow underway (I don't think it would, but let's say it does for conversation's sake), that work or lift isn't free. You're using your engines to elevate X tons of boat out of the water. Has to seriouslywhack your fuel efficiency. We're not talking sail or wind powered here, or lifting the whole hull out for a net reduction in drag like the AC racers.
My understanding is that it does not lift the bow, but pushes the bow down and reduces the stern from digging in under power, hence increasing efficiency.
klheck, just said he bought the boat. Let's ask him, what the bow does... push up or down?
An editorial statement? Sticking his boat tongue out, "My boat is bigger than yours."

Added 5ft? Did they move the engine back? Or did they lengthen the shaft with an extra strut bearing?
We just bought this boat. Two owners ago, someone added 5' to the back of the boat and added this, too. I'm with the person who posted something like it's what happens when male enhancement pills are dropped in the fuel tank. So far, no lobster lines, mermaids or dolphins hooked, but lots of opportunities for dock talk. I'm hoping that it does cut down on bow slapping when sleeping but so far, we haven't had much problem with that 'cause the water's been pretty calm.

Welcome to Trawler Forum! You certainly own a conversation starter everywhere you will go.:dance:
klheck, I wonder how realistic it would be to remove it at some time, after you've assessed its performance for the next year or so. It's most likely an external plant-on appendage, so there should be no issue with cutting it off and grinding down the attachment area.

I got close to buying a 70 footer once that had an awful 5ft swim platform (an add on) installed which I would have definitely cut off if I bought it.
Probably could, but why would you after you've convinced yourself how much it helps!
Re: swim platforms.
IMO, Builders mount them so they are on the same level as the cockpit deck.
They drag through through the water when going fwd.
In a following seas does the swim platform in a negative manner, perhaps pulling or holding the stern down?
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