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Maybe a past owner was a machinist, had nothing to do and decided to just thread a piece of Al and put it on the rail mount as a conversation piece. I think it worked!
It is clearly a cylindricus verticular conundricum. If I have to explain what its for you'll all just feel silly.
I think it's obvious that @MichaelD just wanted to screw with everyone's heads. I think we need to get even. Let's invite him into an anchor thread!
Obviously it’s an antenna mount silencer.
Give it up folks. I know it is a misplaced, passive, radar target.
You know I am correct but, you just hate to send me the nickels, for winning the bet.
OK Dan. I'll take the bet. You post a link to a legitimate web site selling that as a radar target and I'll send you the nickel. I really want you to be right, to solve this mystery and to prove that some people will buy anything, even a worthless radar reflector.

But I'd need to see it for myself.
If you do an internet search on ‘radar reflectors’ you will see all shapes and sizes. Hint: no thick cable going to a grounding plate.
If it is solid aluminum, it would be a horrible radar reflector.

The only tubular ones are plastic or fiberglass with metal "catch rain" type shapes inside the tube. Ya know...catch rain position...used for mounting the round multi-faceted ones sold?

If this object has an aluminum tube exterior, it is one of the worst shapes to reflect radar waves and the skin wouldn't allow any radar wave penetration to an interior structure.

It very well could be an amateur radar reflector...the maker should read the book "radar for dummies" before making a second one.
If it is solid aluminum, it would be a horrible radar reflector.

The only tubular ones are plastic or fiberglass with metal "catch rain" type shapes inside the tube. Ya know...catch rain position...used for mounting the round multi-faceted ones sold?

If this object has an aluminum tube exterior, it is one of the worst shapes to reflect radar waves and the skin wouldn't allow any radar wave penetration to an interior structure.

It very well could be an amateur radar reflector...the maker should read the book "radar for dummies" before making a second one.

At what point did I say it was a ‘good’ radar reflector ?
At what point did I say it was a ‘good’ radar reflector ?

At what point would it be called a radar reflector...if it doesn't? :D

I could call my dog a radar reflector.... but it doesn't. :rofl:

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