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Miami achorages

Would somebody please remind me [AGAIN] never to anchor within 50 miles of Miami on a Saturday night?


Not sure I even know what language the lyrics are in, but surely somebody 2 miles away would be able to tell me.....
Here's the reminder :don't anchor 50 miles of Miami on a Saturday night.
We have spent many nights at those Anchorage areas: No name Harbor ,Boca Chita ,Elliott key. In several cases we ended up pulling anchor and dropping the hook in the Bay Area to get away from the loud and rude Behavior .We've spent many of night there with loud rude obnoxious boaters on the hook that lack boating etiquette and just generally lack class. It's a shame because there are beautiful areas in that part of the Southeast coast of Florida but it is not on our favorite list anymore due to the obnoxious boaters.
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Here's the reminder :don't anchor 50 miles of Miami on a Saturday night.
We have spent many nights at those Anchorage areas: No name Harbor ,Boca Chita ,Elliott key. In several cases we ended up pulling anchor and dropping the hook in the Bay Area to get away from the loud and rude Behavior .We've spent many of night there with loud rude obnoxious boaters on the hook that lack boating etiquette and just generally lack class. It's a shame because there are beautiful areas in that part of the Southeast coast of Florida but it is not on our favorite list anymore due to the obnoxious boaters.


Love Boca Chita regardless...

Where I have experienced this type of behaviour, it is almost exclusively coming from the "go fast" kind of cruiser in the 50+ foot party boat. Also, the "offenders" are usually not the "young rebellious" early 20's group (few of them could afford such a boat), but are almost exclusively from the "I am entitled" 40 - 50 year old group, who I would bet regularly display that attitude (jumping to a bit of a conclusion here, but probably not far wrong). I don't think I have ever witnessed this type of behaviour coming from a trawler like a KK, Grand Banks, Tug, Monk, etc.

If we all followed the "mantra" of one poster here, every anchorage would become like the OP described, as many more boaters would adopt the "who gives a ....", entitled BS.

What a wonderful world that would be, where everyone only cares about "what's in it for them" and gives no regard for how they are impacting others or the environment for that matter.
I don't know, maybe I am old and getting to be a "fuddy duddy", but my Mom always taught me that my right to swing my arms around at my whim ended at your nose!!!! I tend to apply that philosophy (impacting others) in many areas, and I am still able to have fun. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone took that lesson a bit more to heart??
I know, what a dreamer... :)
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Sometimes a loud stereo can be used defensively like the time a ski boat anchored ~20 ft off my stern in my Secret Cove and blasted the rap music. I put Beer Barrel Polka on replay, full volume and took a long dinghy ride!

It worked, they turned it down when I came back but played me a different rendition of the same Beer Barrel Polka when I motored by in the dink.

We all laughed in end.
Mr. FW. Polkas are small potatoes. Next time try Wing music.

Just ONE of her many hits!!!

And speaking of Lawrence Welk...Spiritual of some sort.

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Weekends are nuts in that area!
Miami, Ft Lauderdale and even St Lucie inlets are crazy busy with weekend warriors out in full force. Best avoided after 60 ?
Mr. FW. Polkas are small potatoes. Next time try Wing music.

There's something about hearing "Roll out the barrels" 50 times in a row that just makes that song stick in your head for a couple of days. The other one is "Morning Train."


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