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Mine is a combination of a nickname given to me in the Navy (Bull) by my buddy that is from Baltimore. His nickname was the "Elk". Everybody on a ship got a nickname. I was on a guided missile cruiser for a little over 4 years. "Bull" was because I'm (was) strong and stocky, and because I'm very bull-headed... I once stormed into the Chief's Mess underway practically taking the door off the hinges and picked a Chief up off the couch by his neck threatening to dismantle him limb by limb because he hung up on me during a "discussion" over the phone...

The "Fly" part was added because I'm a pilot (fixed wing and rotor) and over 20 years ago I needed a handle for a pilot website message board (iPilot) and added it to Bull.

Pictured below from L to R... The Elk... The Bull... The Moose circa 1987 off the Phillipine Islands departing Subic Bay.

Been using it ever since for most everything including emails...


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Have been reading this forum for many years, finally decided to post the odd time. I had been a STOWAWAY on the forum the whole time I was reading and not posting. It also has a little nautical flavour to it

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