What's your drug of choice?

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Rocna anchor on all rope rode, 2:1 scope.

Really? That's a hell of a lot of rode to put out. We use a 1:1 scope on our Rocna and it works great. However we use all-chain.

But.... the folks who share our finger and who have a 40' sailboat they've taken all over the southwestern Pacific have recently discovered another advantage of using a Rocna. They have the same model we do, and they have found that they need no rode at all.

They've discovered, initially by accident. that if you simply drop a Rocna onto the bottom with a light retrieval line attached to it and a crab trap float on the other end, the boat will simply hover over it with no connection to the anchor whatsoever.

Even in 40 knots winds and 3-4 foot waves, they found that their sailboat stays directly over the Rocna at all times. Then when they're ready to leave, they simply pick up the float with a boathook, haul the Rocna up and set it on deck, and they're on their way.

We have to fix a leak in our Livingston shore boat before we can go out again, but when we head out again in a week or two, we're going to try this technique. It sounds brilliant and eliminates the need to carry an anchor rode at all.

I'm told this will ONLY work with a New Zealand or Vancouver-made Rocna. The newer China-made Rocnas apparently lack the rodeless holding power of the originals.
2 dozen Bruny Is Pacific Oysters, a couple of glasses of Mumm, A fine med/rare rump steak accompanied by a tall glass or 2 of little Creatures Pale Ale or a bottle of "Ladies Who Shoot Their Lunch" Pinot Noir., we could do desert but a nice Bowen Special Mango (chilled of course) would suffice and then settle down for a few dark and Stormys but only with Bundaberg Rum.

Life is to be lived , it is not a dress rehersal.
The other drugs are salt water fly fishing, spear fishing and catching reef fish
Early morning in late September in the non motorized interior portion of a 3 million acre national park wilderness area shared by the US and Canada on the MN/Ontario border with just a little light fog coming off the water into the crisp cool air, the walleyes on the bite, and not another human in sight. Anybody who has ever been there knows what Heaven might feel like.


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That's because we are sitting back and laughing as we now understand why Australians are still second to the US for the most overweight citizens. :D

Oh sorry, my favourite poison just has to be…anyone…?
Ah…damn…forgot the jar kinda gives it away...

Have you ever had cucumber and Marmite sandwiches or beet and Marmite sandwiches
A full moon, a glass of wine, my guitar and a couple of friends, singing our favorite songs.
A full moon, a glass of wine, my guitar and a couple of friends, singing our favorite songs.

We love just pulling our keyboard out and maybe some background music and singing for hours. Also, when cruising a lot, nothing as nice as long walks, a tennis match, or playing some basketball. Really gets out bodies rebalanced.
Posted on Errol Flynn Marina's facebook page.

Teach your child the love of sailing

and they'll never have money for drugs...
My guns, Boating, My Harley and Kettlecorn popcorn!
I am a real health nut:rolleyes::rolleyes:


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I get a my adrenaline buzz out backcountry skiing; I try to find some waist deep powder each year.
- and I too don't mind the odd fatty on the back porch.
Have you ever had cucumber and Marmite sandwiches or beet and Marmite sandwiches

No - but I will - sounds a great combo, but my favourite is Marmite and cheese in very fresh bread. I am happy with Marmite or Vegemite - whichever. had to become adaptable when the Marmite factory in Christchurch was destroyed in the earthquake. Word of warning - found when in the UK in 2011 that English Marmite is much softer and quite different to the Marmite we get down under…ok…but not as good as the southern hemi version.
No - but I will - sounds a great combo, but my favourite is Marmite and cheese in very fresh bread. I am happy with Marmite or Vegemite - whichever. had to become adaptable when the Marmite factory in Christchurch was destroyed in the earthquake. Word of warning - found when in the UK in 2011 that English Marmite is much softer and quite different to the Marmite we get down under…ok…but not as good as the southern hemi version.

Wifey B: Does it tell you anything that the Marmite sold in Australia, is manufactured in New Zealand by SANITARIUM Health Food Company. The stuff looks and smells yucky.....no no no....:nonono:
Vegemite is the all Australian spread, the others are just for immigrants and blow ins or Coeliacs if you are like my Boss lady who uses Mity Mite or Dick Smith's equivalent that is gluten free.
I tried Marmite once. I then decided it would be the ideal lubricant in the transfer case of my Land Rover Series III. It looks, smells, and tastes exactly like 90wt lube oil with some soy sauce mixed in.

On the other hand, my good friend in the UK loves Marmite but absolutely despises peanut butter. It's all in what you start out with, I guess.
Wifey B: Does it tell you anything that the Marmite sold in Australia, is manufactured in New Zealand by SANITARIUM Health Food Company. The stuff looks and smells yucky.....no no no....:nonono:

Wifey B the trouble is the tendency you Americans have of ladling stuff on in great lashings. (Supersize you sort of approach).
The secret with Marmite/Vegemite/Promite - whatever, they are all largely yeast extract concentrates, is to not eat it neat, and to spread thinly. You have to be able to see the butter showing through.

Here's what to do. Make some nice toast - butter it hot, then thin spread of the 'mite'> That's the hot and melted way. Another way I find even nicer, (my kids used to call it the light/dark way - you'll see why), is to let the toast cool, apply butter, allowed to be fairly think for this one, (not margarine), then put in frig to harden the butter again, then very thin spread of the 'mite' - heavenly..! You don't know what you're missing…

Great for on a boat because it keeps virtually indefinitely, even unrefrigerated, and makes a great alternative to the 'usual' toast spreads.
Wifey B the trouble is the tendency you Americans have of ladling stuff on in great lashings. (Supersize you sort of approach).
The secret with Marmite/Vegemite/Promite - whatever, they are all largely yeast extract concentrates, is to not eat it neat, and to spread thinly. You have to be able to see the butter showing through.

Here's what to do. Make some nice toast - butter it hot, then thin spread of the 'mite'> That's the hot and melted way. Another way I find even nicer, (my kids used to call it the light/dark way - you'll see why), is to let the toast cool, apply butter, allowed to be fairly think for this one, (not margarine), then put in frig to harden the butter again, then very thin spread of the 'mite' - heavenly..! You don't know what you're missing…

Great for on a boat because it keeps virtually indefinitely, even unrefrigerated, and makes a great alternative to the 'usual' toast spreads.

Wifey B: No thanks....but then I don't do peanut butter either. And we don't do a lot of toast.

And I leave you with this....MITES. I don't like any kind of mites....they're not nice anthropods and I sure don't want to be spreading mites on anything and that includes Mar mites, Vege mites, Pro mites, Dust mites, Flour mites, Hay mites, Chigger mites, itch mites, cheese mites, ter mites and all other mites......:whistling::D
Wifey B the trouble is the tendency you Americans have of ladling stuff on in great lashings. (Supersize you sort of approach).
The secret with Marmite/Vegemite/Promite - whatever, they are all largely yeast extract concentrates, is to not eat it neat, and to spread thinly. You have to be able to see the butter showing through.

Here's what to do. Make some nice toast - butter it hot, then thin spread of the 'mite'> That's the hot and melted way. Another way I find even nicer, (my kids used to call it the light/dark way - you'll see why), is to let the toast cool, apply butter, allowed to be fairly think for this one, (not margarine), then put in frig to harden the butter again, then very thin spread of the 'mite' - heavenly..! You don't know what you're missing…

Great for on a boat because it keeps virtually indefinitely, even unrefrigerated, and makes a great alternative to the 'usual' toast spreads.

OK. I'm game. I'll buy a jar when I get home and try it.
Wifey B: No thanks....but then I don't do peanut butter either. And we don't do a lot of toast.

And I leave you with this....MITES. I don't like any kind of mites....they're not nice anthropods and I sure don't want to be spreading mites on anything and that includes Mar mites, Vege mites, Pro mites, Dust mites, Flour mites, Hay mites, Chigger mites, itch mites, cheese mites, ter mites and all other mites......:whistling::D

Ah well, never mind, that's ok - your loss.

Anyone else willing to be more adventurous..?
OK. I'm game. I'll buy a jar when I get home and try it.

Wifey B: You can order it on Amazon...sounds so inviting....a concentrated yeast extract paste. :rofl: At least Amazon could have come up with some better description. Maybe something like "Most loved vegetarian spread worldwide."

I did read where their marketing slogan is "Love it or Hate it." At least they have a sense of humor. :rolleyes:

I'm sure we eat something just as gross looking, smelling and sounding. Spam. And, yes, when I was a kid we did eat it. Amazon does a much better job of describing it-Classic, the taste that started it all. A reliable, delicious and innovative element for any meal. :nonono:

I think we ate it because it was cheap but I don't think it's so cheap anymore.

Ok, I have to get this taste out of my mouth....what shall I eat. Ice Cream? Cheesecake? Chocolate cake? So many choices and all sound better than spam and mites. :dance:
Wifey B: That might be the question of the day. What food do you absolutely love that most people just turn up their noses at? I mean a couple of our friends love Caviar. I tried some of the best, most expensive, one time. I was like why does anyone eat that crap, much less pay hundreds and thousands for it.

Thinking. I absolutely love water. Champagne yes, beer no. I've got it. Going to take more thinking to figure out something I like that might gross some out. Hard to think as hubby and friend/guest brought Oreo cheesecake to bed just now.

Edited....Frog Legs. We both love them and others just frown and make ugly faces at the idea.

And hubby ate and liked Vienna Sausage when he went fishing as a kid. That's pretty gross.
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Wifey B: I'm sure we eat something just as gross looking, smelling and sounding. Spam. And, yes, when I was a kid we did eat it.

There is a step down, or up from Spam. The Dollar Store sells imitation bacon flavored fake spam. If you can get past the texture... Okay first of all do not ever read the ingredients. You don't want to know. Ditto the health information panel -- another "it's best not to know"

However at a dollar it is a semi-solid, oozing, ick.

BUT, if you chop it into .25" pieces and fry it, it will get crispy and have texture. It's not the best stuff on the planet (too salty for my preferences) but at a dollar it can add meat to an otherwise meatless few days.

And frog legs are delicious. So too are iguana steaks and I'm not just sure what's in the deep fried empanadas (another of those "don't ask" things) but they are good too. Opossum are fine (cooked on a spit so the grease cooks out)

Conch are delicious and I like Claxton fruit cake. Alas I didn't get one this year. My daughter FORGOT. And she usually buys me one plus I get myself one. This year I didn't, nor did she. I'll probably end up with four this year.

And yes, I prefer Claxton to any I've tried.
Conch are delicious and I like Claxton fruit cake. Alas I didn't get one this year. My daughter FORGOT. And she usually buys me one plus I get myself one. This year I didn't, nor did she. I'll probably end up with four this year.

And yes, I prefer Claxton to any I've tried.

Someone actually likes those things? My father was a member of whatever group sold them. Was it Kiwanis? One of the organizations. Always lots of those fruit cakes floating around and no one ate them. Had to be the most regifted item in history.
Originally Posted by Northern Spy
OK. I'm game. I'll buy a jar when I get home and try it.

Way to go Spy. That's the spirit. Give it a go - follow my advice above, and report back. Show these other wimpy people there's nothing to fear, except the fear of…you know how it goes...
There is a step down, or up from Spam. The Dollar Store sells imitation bacon flavored fake spam. If you can get past the texture... Okay first of all do not ever read the ingredients. You don't want to know. Ditto the health information panel -- another "it's best not to know"

However at a dollar it is a semi-solid, oozing, ick.

BUT, if you chop it into .25" pieces and fry it, it will get crispy and have texture. It's not the best stuff on the planet (too salty for my preferences) but at a dollar it can add meat to an otherwise meatless few days.

And frog legs are delicious. So too are iguana steaks and I'm not just sure what's in the deep fried empanadas (another of those "don't ask" things) but they are good too. Opossum are fine (cooked on a spit so the grease cooks out)

Conch are delicious and I like Claxton fruit cake. Alas I didn't get one this year. My daughter FORGOT. And she usually buys me one plus I get myself one. This year I didn't, nor did she. I'll probably end up with four this year.

And yes, I prefer Claxton to any I've tried.

And why is it I don't like any of that stuff? Another reason not to visit the dollar stores I guess.
tacos de lengua with salsa verde. But cashews that we get at Costco are the hardest to put down.
Conch are delicious and I like Claxton fruit cake. Alas I didn't get one this year. My daughter FORGOT. And she usually buys me one plus I get myself one. This year I didn't, nor did she. I'll probably end up with four this year.

And yes, I prefer Claxton to any I've tried.

Now I know who to regift my fruitcakes to. I'll make sure they're Claxton before sending!!

For years, I was convinced that there were just a couple dozen fruitcakes floating around at the holidays, constantly being regifted until the holidays were over. Then the following November, the whole thing would just start over again. I'm still not totally convinced it's not still happening. :D
Now I know who to regift my fruitcakes to. I'll make sure they're Claxton before sending!!

For years, I was convinced that there were just a couple dozen fruitcakes floating around at the holidays, constantly being regifted until the holidays were over. Then the following November, the whole thing would just start over again. I'm still not totally convinced it's not still happening. :D

I just remembered...it was the Civitans who sold them. And they sat and sat and sat at the home of every member of the Civitans.

From their web site:

For over half a century, Civitans have been selling Claxton Fruit Cake to fund various community service projects. Today, local Civitan Clubs work with area grocery retailers to bring Claxton Fruit Cake to the community and fund local service projects.

And, they have training plans for a Fruit Cake Business Plan and how to sell, set up displays, even press releases. They even have an "International Fruit Cake Policy." I can't believe they're still doing it.

I'm overwhelmed to find out someone likes them. Just find a Civitan member and I'm sure they're buying a certain number and will be glad to send some your way, perhaps cheap or free.

In all seriousness, there really must be some others liking and buying them if they've been able to keep this going for over 50 years. The main charity some part of this goes to support is a research center for developmental disabilities. I do not know what portion because unfortunately they don't publish that information on their web site.
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