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Veteran Member
Sep 13, 2019
Vessel Name
Golden Eye
Vessel Make
Burger 52 LRC
Been searching every way I can think of, and not having much luck, surely someone else in here has needed to replace their fan before? Its an 8" fan for my AC unit. Appreciate the help.



Try looking for the motor only on graingers.com.
Looks like a shaded 4 pole with sleeve bearings. Yeah, Grainger.

If the windings are not fried you can add oil to those little dimples on the ends and re-lube the bearings while working the shaft free. Those little motors don't have a lot of torque and sleeve bearings get stiff with age. I've fixed many that way.
Looks like a shaded 4 pole with sleeve bearings. Yeah, Grainger.

If the windings are not fried you can add oil to those little dimples on the ends and re-lube the bearings while working the shaft free. Those little motors don't have a lot of torque and sleeve bearings get stiff with age. I've fixed many that way.
Having it rebuilt might be the way I have to go, my trip to Grainger this morning was a total waste of time, Grainger may be able to find something similar, however first try they have nothing and all the model/part numbers yielded nothing as well, Grainger actually called CruisAir while I was there and tried to find specs, but CruisAir had no idea and was basically worthless. Going to start looking for a rebuilder now.
quick search turns this up as well as others

Yup, that's what we found at Grainger as well, however that is a dual shaft, and fan needs to be a 4 speed.

The bigger issues is the original fan says RMR Corporation, which I am told used A.O. Smith to manufacture their fans, however A.O Smith was purchased by Fasco, which was purchased by Regal. When I call Regal(Fasco) they don't even know of a cross over in their system.

One suggestion by Regal(Fasco) was to buy the dual shaft and cut the rear shaft off, but when I asked if this would put the fan out of balance they said they did not know. Amazes me that the manufacture does not know the answer to this question.

Crazy times we are living in.
You can cut the shaft off w/o problems with balance. Clamp shaft in vise, support motor with hand and just hacksaw it.

Four speed will be hard to find.
You can cut the shaft off w/o problems with balance. Clamp shaft in vise, support motor with hand and just hacksaw it.

Four speed will be hard to find.

Or use your Dremel with a cut off tool.
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