Which Packing

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Feb 19, 2012
Vessel Name
Stella Maris
Vessel Make
Defever 44
After installing new Aqualloy 22 shafts, it’s time to decide on stuffing box packing. I’ve used Gore GFO in the past, but ABYC recommends against packing containing graphite due to the potential for galvanic corrosion. Rod Collins at Marine How-To has moved away from graphite but—last I read—he said it might be acceptable with AQ22 and continual monitoring of shaft anodes.

So what is everyone using? Particularly, what are the pros and cons of a Teflon packing like TefPack? I would only use flax as a last resort.
Personally I've been using Palmetto 1347AF (PTFE acrylic packing) on my boat for about 5 years. It works well, once it's broken in it can be tightened to almost no drip without getting hot, etc. No complaints and at least when I bought a bunch it was cheaply available (it's not a marine specific packing, but the specs indicate it's suitable based on shaft speed and other factors).
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