Do you need two sets of controls on a liveaboard?

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El Dorado

Aug 24, 2024
Fajardo, Puerto Rico
I haven't found a discussion on this one yet. Does anyone have preference or knowledge on if two sets of electronics are needed?

I mean without controls and a captains chair in the cockpit, the helm area can even be used as a dining area (top picture). Then you only have one set of controls on the flybridge area, but is that a dealmaker for an ocean going liveaboard?
I lived on a Uniflite 42 ACMY that didn't have a lower helm station. Was fine by me as all I did is use it for local cruising and the fly bridge was by far the best place to be. nice to have the extra space in the saloon.

But if distance cruising is your main intention, you really need a decent helm station protected from the elements. Getting up/down to fly bridge in a seaway can be difficult (impossible?) in tough seas.

I mean this in a kind and supportive way, but that type of question strikes me as coming from someone without a ton of hands on experience with the type of cruising you're contemplating ("open ocean"). You might want to dial back your aspirations a bit. I know it's tempting to say "if it can cross an ocean, it can get me anywhere I want to go." Heck, that's Nordhavn's marketing scheme in a nutshell. But it's an expensive way to go and not always fruitful.

If I missed the mark, my apologies.

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Nice boat you got there!

Yeah, I wouldn't do anything to it, never know when it might be real nice to go down and drive.
Thank you for the feedback, yes if the upper helm was the main station, it would give much more room in the saloon. That way you could have a separate dedicated dining area and then living room area.

I do have a long ways to go to achieve this dream. I've compiled resources to start, doing the following: American Sailing, Americas Boating Channel & Club, JMYS Trawlers.

I also learned I can do a local boating membership through Freedom Boat Club in my area. If there are any other resources you can think of, please feel free to comment.
I like the one with helm station and dinette combined, lower pic.

Although we only have a heated/AC'd flying bridge helm now, and haven't missed a lower helm. Although we had a lower helm once, and only used it a very few times while underway. Although we don't really liveaboard, even if we do usually spend more than 200 days/year aboard.

Although we don't usually need to do open ocean to get where we're going, especially when we're in or hoe grounds on the Chesapeake. And if we were doing open ocean more often, I think I'd be also wanting stabilization and so forth...

If you only have the flybridge you will need a controlled environment on the flybridge. Just running up and down the West Coast it gets extremely cold at night.

I prefer operating from my fly bridge. The seating and view are superior. In order to make this possible on an overnight transit I have enclosed the flybridge. My forward windows are Makrolon, a treated Polycarbonate for glass like clarity. I have heated seats and my hydronic heat system acts as a defroster as well as heating the space. I do not have the ability to cool the space which is not an issue in my area but is also a consideration when committing to only a flybridge location.
Peter on Weebles makes a very valid comment. I am not sure that you will ever find a discussion on that topic. Boating is about safety and redundancy. We all have our comfort zones and what we consider risks. Our optimism can sometimes get us in to trouble. I am a live aboard and have 2 driving stations. I would never consider only 1. The option to drive "inside" during bad weather, storms or a 4:00 am anchor drag fiasco makes it worth it. Although, it looks and sounds great at the boat show.
Get some miles under your belt and your answer will come to you. Again, no disrespect meant :)
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