Window resealing

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Senior Member
Sep 26, 2022
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Banks Heritage Classic 42
I have to reseal/bed all my GB windows and handrails. I was going to use sika 195uv. Any tips are appreciated. Is there a better sealant? Should I prime the glass first or just clean and then use the sika? Do I apply and the screw frames in partially, allow to cure, then tighten fully? Or tighten all the way after applying? Thanks.
If you are resealing frames, I am a firm believer in removing the frames and rebedding them with butyl tape. I then like running a bead of sika around the frame to keep the butyl from oozing out.

If you are sealing glass to frames, I have had good luck with Sika 195uv. A little goes a long ways and its easy to add more but harder to remove excess. I like to tape off both the inside and outside before applying Sika. There is a fine line between pulling tape too soon and too late. Better to error on the early side.

I just clean the glass and put sika directly to the glass.

I don't know if there is a better product. However most products are not as good for this type of application.
Sika 295UV is designed for plastics like plexiglass. Not sure if it is designed to stick on glass or not. I have used it on plexiglass and it worked well. I know Sika has primer for wood, not sure about glass. The primer is pricey. Don’t tighten partially and let the caulk setup and then tighten more as it will break the seal. Check for an excellent article on bedding things. I prefer butyl if I can through bolt but not as much when screwing something down. I always countersink the holes when caulking so you get an O ring of caulk around the screw.
Thanks all. Much appreciated. It is frames and windows and that damn sika primer is 200$ for a tiny bottle. I think it is required for glass but I will double check. I have butyl tape but no experience using it.
If you can use clamps to hold the frame in and squeeze the butyl that is the way to go. Butyl needs time to squeeze out, several days of tightening. But it will be good forever. Unfortunately screws don’t usually provide enough clamping force to properly squeeze it. But if you can position clamps to do the squeezing then screws will work fine.
Go to my blog, grandbankschoices. We did 22. The whole process and materials are there.

Any questions PM me.

Not for the faint of heart.
Mr. H. I can't see how you could "prime" glass unless you etch it in some fashion. Save the $200 Sika primer costs UNLESS it is an etchant (sp?). Even then it's probably a waste of $$$.

I do have experience working with glass (35 years). Butyl tape is the way to go IMO.
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The Sika primer I used on teak was just a brush on and wait a bit then caulk. When I used 395UV, I think, on plexi there wasn’t a primer required if I remember correctly.
Go to my blog, grandbankschoices. We did 22. The whole process and materials are there.

Any questions PM me.

Not for the faint of heart.

I saw the article that outlined how you refinished the windows but did not see anything about bedding compounds and techniques. Did I miss it? Thanks.
I will PM you my number. Don't really want to type the entire process out. The materials I used are the best available, and follow the IGBO forum guidelines. Should last thirty years or more.

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