Winter Florida destinations?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nope...stayed in Myrtle Beach for the summer...trying to be a good son (took 65 years) as my mom is in Wilmington and turning 94.

Heading south to Brunswick in Oct....probably haul and paint/zinc....then entering Fl on Nov 1st or so, staying in Patrick as long as they will have me...then on to Ft Pierce for Dec 1.
Nope...stayed in Myrtle Beach for the summer...trying to be a good son (took 65 years) as my mom is in Wilmington and turning 94.

Heading south to Brunswick in Oct....probably haul and paint/zinc....then entering Fl on Nov 1st or so, staying in Patrick as long as they will have me...then on to Ft Pierce for Dec 1.
I'll be heading South around beginning of October. Should be crossing the FL line around Nov 1st. Will have to see if we can get together this time.

Nope...stayed in Myrtle Beach for the summer...trying to be a good son (took 65 years) as my mom is in Wilmington and turning 94.

Heading south to Brunswick in Oct....probably haul and paint/zinc....then entering Fl on Nov 1st or so, staying in Patrick as long as they will have me...then on to Ft Pierce for Dec 1.

Ah. Yep, those familial things will pop up from time to time... Speaking of family stuff and Wilmington, we were just there by car last weekend (15th). Wifey's cousin's 50th wedding anniversary. Seemed like a nice town, although we didn't really do much other than get there, party, leave.

I'll look for you if we get close....

Seems like Ted will zoom on by us here well before we're ready to hit the road...

Cheers, -Chris
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If you ask Irv (Bigfish), he will insist Ted doesn't to zoom by anyone except maybe me... :)
Ah. Yep, those familial things will pop up from time to time... Speaking of family stuff and Wilmington, we were just there by car last weekend (15th). Wifey's cousin's 50th wedding anniversary. Seemed like a nice town, although we didn't really do much other than get there, party, leave.

I'll look for you if we get close....

Seems like Ted will zoom on by us here well before we're ready to hit the road...

Cheers, -Chris

Wifey B: I think Wilmington is a nice town and, of course, the home of Michael Jordan. :rofl:
Don't think zoom quite describes my cruising speed.

You could always leave earlier.


I think wifey is going to be stuck with on a return-to-work gig throughout October, and that sorta puts the kibosh on getting an earlier start.

What's southbound traffic like in October? When we went south in 2017, we didn't leave here 'til 11/14, and it seemed like we were the only ones moving at the time... only occasionally did we see other southbound boats.


I think wifey is going to be stuck with on a return-to-work gig throughout October, and that sorta puts the kibosh on getting an earlier start.

What's southbound traffic like in October? When we went south in 2017, we didn't leave here 'til 11/14, and it seemed like we were the only ones moving at the time... only occasionally did we see other southbound boats.


A little bit early October and none late October. Most get down at least to Charleston in September.
Interesting. No wonder we didn't see much traffic. We got to Myrtle Beach in early Dec before we had to bail for holiday travel... and then didn't get to Charleston until mid Jan. The first day of that lest segment was a bit nippy.

Rule of thumb from my area is be south to Norfolk by 1 Nov.

Much of the traffic is to Charleston/Savannah by late Oct...ready to enter Florida at the insurance allowance of 1 Nov.

I found the generally true the last 8 years....
What's southbound traffic like in October? When we went south in 2017, we didn't leave here 'til 11/14, and it seemed like we were the only ones moving at the time... only occasionally did we see other southbound boats.
My experience with traffic South varies quite a bit.
Seen boats heading South just after Labor Day. Makes me wonder about hurricanes.
End of September to the end of October there seems to be a pretty steady flow. After November 1st, the flow reduces to a modest steady stream until near Christmas. If you want solitude, leave the end of January like I did one year. :nonono: Watching traffic going down the Chesapeake after mid October, travel days seem busier because there are fewer of them between blow days. The other departure consideration is water and pump out availability. Depending on trending weather, dock water lines may get winterized early with many on or done by November 1st. Once South of Norfolk, this generally isn't an issue before mid December.

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Ignoring NWFL

When I see people making plans for wintering over on the crowded east coast of FL, I am torn between the thoughts of, "So what are we up here, chopped liver?" and just being thankful that our Gulf Intracoastal Waterway is separated from the ICW down Clearwater/Tarpon Springs way by roughly 165 miles of open Gulf which keeps the less adventurous away from crowding our emerald waters. The weather here in the summer is too beastly for non-air conditioned boating, but up to Christmas time after the heat finally breaks in October and from late March to early June are our favorite times to be on the boat hereabouts. Even in the middle of the winter, when the fronts blow through here every 3-5 days, we get some truly gorgeous days with cerulean skies and shirt sleeved temps. In those times we can whip up a picnic and be out to the barrier island in an hour or so and spend a night or two sans generator/ac. I have a friend who packs up and goes out there for weeks at a time enjoying the solitude - until I come crashing his party in my lil red boat for a free lunch. :)
I have made a few trips to south Florida including the Keys and round the peninsula and back through the lake to the Gulf and home just to see "the other side of the mountain," and what I don't get is why people don't often come here from there, unless it's the crossing they are afraid of. We get plenty of loopers going through here headed south, but few ever linger as they are always on a schedule.
While the OP apparently has no plans to see the other side of FL, there is an awful lot of cruising to be done there for those with sufficient wanderlust. Our little patch from Port St Joe through the Panama City area will be a few years getting any significant marina facilities restored after hurricane Michael, but anchoring throughout the area is not an issue until getting to Destin just west of the destruction zone.
you would enjoy St. Pete, lots to do and several nice marinas, we winter there and explore south, very nice. wc
I concur, been dere, dun dat.
Try Sunset Bay marina in Stuart. 5 minute walk to downtown with many good restaurants. Lots to do with concerts, plays, shopping etc.
We have left the Chesapeake between mid October and mid December the past 6 years. Have not found the traffic to be a problem. Can always get a marina when desired if you reserve 2-3 days ahead. If you're going to park it in FL for a couple of months, sitting in a fresh water bath is really easy on the boat. Consider Sanford. It is not as warm as So Flo for sure. We spent 2 winters in Cocoa and two in Sanford and cruising So Flo. Last winter our 3rd in Sanford, we stayed in Sanford for 4 months (longest time this boat sat anywhere since built.) . Rates are lower than on the coast. In slip pump out is $20 as needed. WiFi is good. Several decent restaurants, and 6 brew pubs. A car is pretty handy. We keep one at BIL house is Orlando, but enterprise has two locations. The mall location is much less expensive than the airport. It was about $720 for a month while I went north to visit family.
While the OP apparently has no plans to see the other side of FL, there is an awful lot of cruising to be done there for those with sufficient wanderlust. Our little patch from Port St Joe through the Panama City area will be a few years getting any significant marina facilities restored after hurricane Michael, but anchoring throughout the area is not an issue until getting to Destin just west of the destruction zone.

You make good points, and when we lived in FL we enjoyed places we saw over on your side... just can't get there from here, this time. And the extra distance isn't insignificant, in any case, even intimidating a bit for future trips.

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