Winterizing on the hard

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I have to go with cpn Tom. 20 degrees isn't considered to be cold around here. (Northern Wisconsin) Not sure about salt water but fresh water turns mushy before it becomes solid. A couple days of 20 degrees really won't hurt the engines. Open all the water taps on the domestic side to relieve pressure and if you have any drains on the engine open them (seawater side). Those magnetic block heaters will keep the engine warm enough to prevent damage or a couple space heaters.

Around here we use the -50 RV antifreeze a lot. A jug left outside at -30 is mushy but not powerful enough to do any damage. I don't think you have anything to worry about at 20 degrees, even on the hard.

20’s for a shot time is not a problem here either. Even though I’m in fresh water, Columbia R. But on the hard with hull opened up, I figured I would rather be safe than sorry.
my Boston yard won't allow overnight plug-ins. OK if you are in the water on a pedestal, but no pedestals in the storage area. Insurance co proabably took a dim view of running 1500W heaters off 200' HD extension cords.

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