...The reason for 4/0 is because of the length of the cable run to the inverter charger and the associated voltage drop when under large loading. Since the current cable size is 2/0, I asked if the connectors between batteries could remain at 2/0 since the current between the individual batteries would be considerably less than that of the mail cables to the inverter charger. He indicated that while that could be done, he urged best practice would be to switch everything over to 4/0 all the way to the inverter charger...
Jim: We went 4/0 from the negative and positive of the battery bank to the inverter as per the manufacturer. I would have had a difficult time with the battery posts if I had done all the interconnecting with 4/0 because of the lug thickness. Check your post type and height. After 7 years with a 2800 watt invertor, the 2/0 interconnecting cables has worked with no issues.
side note: Our T-105's had ELPT (embedded low profile) posts. If our batteries had the EHPT (embedded high profile) posts, I would have been OK.