Would one of these be effective at deterring people who anchor too close?

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I bet that would deter would-be cozy neighbors. A variation on the same theme is the old CD of Jimi Hendrix Experience that I keep on board. Works every time at high volume. Plus it brings back memories....:D
I'd stay for the Jmi Hendrix
Jimmy Buffet would have me running away screaming.
For reference... appx 1/2 sq mile of suitable anchorage in this view.
You're new neighbors prolly from a big city. They like to cluster. If you anchor where there is no internet they tend to avoid those places. [emoji847]
If it's that powerboat bow you are referring to, Then sorry charlie You lose the argument. You don't 'own' the water, the bottom, or the view. It's first come, first serve to your swing circle, or the safe distance your vessel needs to maintain a safe moor. Not the entire anchorage. If others bother you with proximity.... have another beer and look the other way. He looks about 120' away. Do you (and/or he) have 60' out each? If so then holler at him. If not don't worry about it.

How close is the beach? How deep is the water? How fast is the current? What is the bottom holding like? What's your scope? (and the unknown) What's His scope?

Personally, imho there are more people who have issues with anchoring incorrectly, incompetently or not understanding swing circles that cause a problem. If you are talking about him being able to swing into you, then let him know. But if its for 'privacy' because you were there first....
There are places require mandatory rafting with total strangers on moorings or limited dockage....

How's that fit your idea of peace and quiet?

There are anchorages that are tight and noisy and those where others should just move on....

Of course it depends where you are anchoring....
For reference... appx 1/2 sq mile of suitable anchorage in this view.
The picture doesn't factor in water depths, wind both current and forecast, trraffic patterns, etc...etc...
Not in a lot if anchorages around here, nor would old Jimmy Buffet.

Then again....anything can clear an anchorage if you don't want to hear anything but birds singing.
If it's that powerboat bow you are referring to, Then sorry charlie You lose the argument. You don't 'own' the water, the bottom, or the view. It's first come, first serve to your swing circle, or the safe distance your vessel needs to maintain a safe moor. Not the entire anchorage. If others bother you with proximity.... have another beer and look the other way. He looks about 120' away. Do you (and/or he) have 60' out each? If so then holler at him. If not don't worry about it.

How close is the beach? How deep is the water? How fast is the current? What is the bottom holding like? What's your scope? (and the unknown) What's His scope?

Personally, imho there are more people who have issues with anchoring incorrectly, incompetently or not understanding swing circles that cause a problem. If you are talking about him being able to swing into you, then let him know. But if its for 'privacy' because you were there first....

I was not asserting a human or legal right - thanks for the lecture tho!
First of all, the post above about not owning the water is correct. As long as someone doesn't anchor so close to you that there's a danger of the boats swinging into you, they have as much right to be there as you do.

While I prefer that boats be further away from me than that, particularly in an uncrowded anchorage, it's their choice to anchor there just as it was my choice to anchor where I did.

That said, if you don't want other boats anchored near you, it's best to try to keep them away in the first place. Once they anchor, they are less likely to move.

Yes, you can play loud or obnoxious music but have it playing when you see them entering the anchorage, don't wait until they anchor to turn it on. That makes you a jerk.

Since I don't have external speakers or a supersized sound system and my own loud music would bother me as much as other boaters, what I do is parade around in my speedo. This usually keeps them away. ;)

Better, perhaps would be walking around buck naked or peeing or taking a dump off the bow.

Keep in mind though, you're liable to meet up with these same folks at a marina in a day or two and what you do in the anchorage might be embarrassing.
@KevRm. Although your original post may have been in jest, your follow up pic 'explaining your rationale' suggests otherwise. Thus my reply.

LRad is an offensive (militarily) instrument. If you feel the need to use such a tool to be left alone.......

It's a bitch when the nicest beaches and secluded coves are well known.
OMG you think he's serious? That is some messed up thinking, what next ship-to-ship stinkbomb launchers?
Here, a crowded anchorage is 'another boat' in view.:banghead: It happens that a visitor arrives and chooses to anchor what appears to close considering our local view of 'another boat' situation.
More times than less, (Maybe four/five opportunities over the years) after they are secured and settled down on anchor, going over with a bottle of wine and say hello and welcome to Alaska (Noting hailing port if possible).
Just a simple friendly jester often and has in every case, proven to make a new 'Sea Faring' acquaintance or friend.

This act also ends up being a enjoyable event at a dock where upon arrival, helpful hands assist in your arrival or you efforts to assist. (Understand the argument for over helpful dock hands, except those)

As I drink cheap wine, offering a bottle is not a burden:rofl:

Not unusual for cruise ships to install such devices while docked or anchored.
Mr. mp. Are you saying cruise ships have sonic cannons?

Yup. Deployed as a way to deter approach of unknown, unwanted possible hijacker or otherwise undesirables. Several (actually many anecdotally) cruise lines deployed these after the Somali, Yemeni piracy issues.

These can be used to talk over distance, transmit earsplitting noise/vibration or ultrasonic deafening blasts.

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Mr. mp. Are you saying cruise ships have sonic cannons?

You have already received the correct answer! Also, cruise ships have their own security personnel. Doubt they don't have lethal defensive arms.
I will have to make the trip from Maleisia to Caïro in a slow trawler at 6.5 knots and If a strong LRAD can keep pirates and kidnappers away from my turtle it's worth the investment, no matter the cost, since the governments do not want you to defend yourself against those ultra dangerous people with your gun or spearfish equipment. You have to say "yes Sir" to them and "plse, take all we have and kill us painless please".
Anyone that has one installed already ?
I wear one of these, clears out an anchorage in mere minutes:


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I had an uncle back in Ireland who smoked a pipe non-stop with tobacco that smelled of dirty diapers (nappies). Wonder if that could be replicated in a up-wind fogger?
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