A goodbye . . .

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Moderator Emeritus
Sep 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Gulfstar 36
Well, after about 55 years of boating with sailboats and trawlers, I guess I am finally out of boating. Got rid of my trawler, which I was no longer using and which needed more maintenance than I am capable of providing at this point in life. The happiest of those 55 years, I suppose, were the four years cruising the Northwest Caribbean with my wife on a 40-foot Allied Mistress sailboat. But the period spent as a moderator on the Trawler Forum was also enjoyable. Always pleasant to be of service to nice people.

The remainder of my boating life will be with a 12-foot Pungo kayak, in the rivers and ponds of Jackson County, Florida. That also has its charms.

So goodbye to the friends I made on this Forum, some of whom I know are still active. I have been a lurker for the past few years, rather than a contributor, but I still enjoy reading the posts. Especially RTF, who has not mellowed. :)

Sorry that your boating career is over but it sounds like you had a good run. Best wishes.
Enjoy. Mr. jw. "...who has not mellowed." Whaaaat????

Sorry to see you go; thank you for your contribution!

Best of luck with your next chapter and new adventures.
Thanks for your conttibutions.
Well, after about 55 years of boating with sailboats and trawlers, I guess I am finally out of boating. Got rid of my trawler, which I was no longer using and which needed more maintenance than I am capable of providing at this point in life. The happiest of those 55 years, I suppose, were the four years cruising the Northwest Caribbean with my wife on a 40-foot Allied Mistress sailboat. But the period spent as a moderator on the Trawler Forum was also enjoyable. Always pleasant to be of service to nice people.

The remainder of my boating life will be with a 12-foot Pungo kayak, in the rivers and ponds of Jackson County, Florida. That also has its charms.

So goodbye to the friends I made on this Forum, some of whom I know are still active. I have been a lurker for the past few years, rather than a contributor, but I still enjoy reading the posts. Especially RTF, who has not mellowed. :)


Sorry to see you go...55 years of boating....so I am sure there are tidbits you can still offer here.

Me too...just got out of the big boat ops and now RVing with hopefully a tin boat to explore back waters and fish.

Hope to spend some time up in that area as I pass though every year nearby on I-10 headed to/from Texas to visit my son. It's one part of Florida I haven't spent much time in.

Any tips?
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but I still enjoy reading the posts. Especially RTF, who has not mellowed. :)


Wifey B: Omg, no. RTF? Hope someone close to you is keeping an eye on you, cause you must be sick to enjoy RTF....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Never knew you really, but hate to see you go. Best of luck in all your future endeavors. :):)
Frame of reference is everything.... :D
:nonono:You can always tell us about your memories/experiences/knowledge; no need to leave us.
Best of luck in your new endeavors, John! Thanks for being a part of the TF Crew!

he happiest of those 55 years, I suppose, were the four years cruising the Northwest Caribbean with my wife on a 40-foot Allied Mistress sailboat.


I hope you still visit from time to time. The Allied Mistress 39 was my dream boat from about 1974 until we bought our first trawler in 1999. Never did get one...

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