Couple missing crossing into Bahamas

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Musta been using old Christopher Columbus maps who wound up in the Bahamas looking for the Far East. :rofl:
So. Who reported them missing in the first place? Had they filed a float plan and then changed that plan without informing anyone? AFAIK, Dry Tortugas is in the opposite direction out of Key West than the Bahamas.
For those unfamiliar with the Dry Tortugas, there is no VHF or cellular coverage to the mainland. The couple would not have heard a radio alert. Doesn't explain the confusion between the Bahamas and Dry Tortugas of course. Likely a simple misunderstanding. Glad all are safe.

I know starlink makes staying in touch easier, but ham radio is still one of the best ways to communicate long distances. The Maritime Mobile net at 14.300mhz provides almost 24 hour communications with floatplans and checkins for safety. There are other local nets Carib, South Pac and Pacific that also add to your cruising enjoyment. Yeah, a little old school, but reliable.
Musta been using old Christopher Columbus maps who wound up in the Bahamas looking for the Far East. :rofl:

As they say on the Rez, "Be glad Columbus wasn't looking for Turkey."
A family member posted on Boat Watch that their plan had been to go down the Keys before heading for the Bahamas. Seems like that would have been helpful information to put on the original post when they were missing, but what do I know. Anyway, they’re found.

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