Interesting perspective

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Oct 12, 2007

I didn't much check the accuracy of what is written below , but it is interesting if true.
The current population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]For most people, it is a large figure, that is all.
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]However, someone has condensed the 7.8 billion in the world into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics.Â
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]The resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
Out of 100Â :
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
11 are in Europe
5 are in North America
9 are in South America
15 are in Africa
60 are in Asia
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
49 live in the countryside
51 live in cities
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
12 speak Chinese
5 speak Spanish
5 speak English
3 speak Arabic
3 speak Hindi
3 speak Bengali
3 speak Portuguese
2 speak Russian
2 speak Japanese
62 speak their own language.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
77 have their own houses.
23 have no place to live.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
21 are over-nourished
63 can eat full meals.
15 are under-nourished
1 ate the last meal, but did not make it to the next meal.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US$2.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
87 have clean drinking water
13 either lack clean drinking water or have access to a water source that is polluted.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
75 have mobile phones
25 do not.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
30 have internet access
70 do not have conditions to go online.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
7 received university education
93 did not attend college.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
83 can read
17 are illiterate.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
33 are Christians
22 are Muslims
14 are Hindus
7 are Buddhists
12 are other religions
12 have no religious beliefs.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
26 live less than 14 years
66 died between 15 - 64 years of age
8 are over 65 years old.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
If you have your own home,
Eat full meals & drink clean water,
Have a mobile phone,
Can surf the internet, and have gone to college,
You are in the minuscule privileged lot.
(in the less than 7% category).
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
Amongst 100 persons in the world, only 8 can live or exceed the age of 65.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
If you are over 65 years old. Be content & grateful. Cherish life, grasp the moment.

You did not leave this world before the age of 64 years like the 92 persons who have gone before you. You are already the blessed amongst mankind.
Indeed, an interesting perspective. I am always amused by folks whining how this country is being overdeveloped. Think urban sprawl. While I abhor even traveling through Northern Virginia (Fairfax County) this country is still wide open. Just fly up or down the East Coast and pay attention to what is underneath, mostly wide open spaces, just like the flyover states of the midwest.

I didn't much check the accuracy of what is written below , but it is interesting if true.
The current population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion.
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]For most people, it is a large figure, that is all.
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]However, someone has condensed the 7.8 billion in the world into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics.Â
[FONT=&quot]Â Â [/FONT]The resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
Out of 100Â :
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
11 are in Europe
5 are in North America
9 are in South America
15 are in Africa
60 are in Asia
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
49 live in the countryside
51 live in cities
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
12 speak Chinese
5 speak Spanish
5 speak English
3 speak Arabic
3 speak Hindi
3 speak Bengali
3 speak Portuguese
2 speak Russian
2 speak Japanese
62 speak their own language.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
77 have their own houses.
23 have no place to live.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
21 are over-nourished
63 can eat full meals.
15 are under-nourished
1 ate the last meal, but did not make it to the next meal.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US$2.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
87 have clean drinking water
13 either lack clean drinking water or have access to a water source that is polluted.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
75 have mobile phones
25 do not.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
30 have internet access
70 do not have conditions to go online.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
7 received university education
93 did not attend college.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
83 can read
17 are illiterate.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
33 are Christians
22 are Muslims
14 are Hindus
7 are Buddhists
12 are other religions
12 have no religious beliefs.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
26 live less than 14 years
66 died between 15 - 64 years of age
8 are over 65 years old.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
If you have your own home,
Eat full meals & drink clean water,
Have a mobile phone,
Can surf the internet, and have gone to college,
You are in the minuscule privileged lot.
(in the less than 7% category).
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
Amongst 100 persons in the world, only 8 can live or exceed the age of 65.
[FONT=&quot]Â [/FONT]
If you are over 65 years old. Be content & grateful. Cherish life, grasp the moment.

You did not leave this world before the age of 64 years like the 92 persons who have gone before you. You are already the blessed amongst mankind.
Indeed, an interesting perspective. I am always amused by folks whining how this country is being overdeveloped. Think urban sprawl. While I abhor even traveling through Northern Virginia (Fairfax County) this country is still wide open. Just fly up or down the East Coast and pay attention to what is underneath, mostly wide open spaces, just like the flyover states of the midwest.

I am equally amused by folks whining how this country is being overrun by newcomers.
I am equally amused by folks whining how this country is being overrun by newcomers.

I have no problem with the immigration rate for 2020. Hopefully we'll find jobs for all those currently unemployed by covid.

Indeed, an interesting perspective. I am always amused by folks whining how this country is being overdeveloped. Think urban sprawl. While I abhor even traveling through Northern Virginia (Fairfax County) this country is still wide open. Just fly up or down the East Coast and pay attention to what is underneath, mostly wide open spaces, just like the flyover states of the midwest.

Except that all those wide open spaces are mostly privately held. Particularly on the East Coast. It's not like you can wander around and say "Hmmm, this looks like a nice place, I think I'll build my house here." And even if you did. In 20 years that nice area around your house will be completely different unless you happen to control all the surrounding area as well. I live in No. VA. I travel for work a lot for a few weeks at a time. Every time I come home another patch of woods has been cleared for a new subdivision, shopping area, large business, or road. I find it pretty disheartening.
I thought the most interesting number was,

75 have mobile phones. and

The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US $2.

That means their phones must cost way !!! less to buy & operate than ours and must be really important to them..
I thought the most interesting number was,

75 have mobile phones. and

The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US $2.

That means their phones must cost way !!! less to buy & operate than ours and must be really important to them..

I would have thought 10 to 20 don't live where there are cell towers.

In the USA, there is a tax on your cellular bill to help provide phones to the poor.

Very interesting and enlightening post.

It sure puts the idea of the “haves” and “have nots” into perspective a little better. Most of the “poor” here in the U.S thinking they are poor, is like me thinking I am poor because I don’t have a 150 foot yacht and a 10,000 square foot house.
I thought the most interesting number was,

75 have mobile phones. and

The daily cost of living for 48 is less than US $2.

That means their phones must cost way !!! less to buy & operate than ours and must be really important to them..

In India where cellular use is exploding, the average monthly phone bill is something like 300 rupees which is less than $5 USD a month. And that’s the average, I imagine if you are careful with your data use you can probably get it for less. And though my iPhone is very important to me in my current lifestyle :blush:, for millions it is perhaps more so, digital banking for example is much more common in Asia and the Middle East than in the West. If you don’t have consistent electricity, mail service, a desktop computer, and so on...
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Very interesting and enlightening post.

It sure puts the idea of the “haves” and “have nots” into perspective a little better. Most of the “poor” here in the U.S thinking they are poor, is like me thinking I am poor because I don’t have a 150 foot yacht and a 10,000 square foot house.

I imagine many of us on here are in the top 1/2 of one percenters, globally. I try to remember that when I am envious of the 0.1 or .01 percenters.

It’s the season to be grateful for what we have.
The whole complaint about world overpopulation is bogus. Whenever I ask any of those crusaders what the guys whomknow most abput it say(that's professional demographers), they never know, and refuse to look it up. Its a left wing mantra, and these guys prefer their confirmation boas, to proper study of the matter.
I think the world is overpopulated.

Its not about the empty space, its about overcrowding of desirable spaces.

On top of all the environmental issues.
I think the world is overpopulated.

Its not about the empty space, its about overcrowding of desirable spaces.

On top of all the environmental issues.

Psneeld.....What ddo the guys who know the most about ot say. And I mean report after studying it....not 'thinking' about it?
Psneeld.....What ddo the guys who know the most about ot say. And I mean report after studying it....not 'thinking' about it?

Not playing your game.

You always want someone else to prove or investigate...well I knew that and you bit. This is one of those silly opinion threads as there is no "correct nswer" . But if there IS a correct prove it for once.

I don't care what they say, I know what I like and I don't like crowds. Simple.

You can have your opinion too.
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The whole complaint about world overpopulation is bogus. Whenever I ask any of those crusaders what the guys whomknow most abput it say(that's professional demographers), they never know, and refuse to look it up. Its a left wing mantra, and these guys prefer their confirmation boas, to proper study of the matter.

Ask that same professor what the sustainable limit of the human population is.

Do you think the world's population can double again without impact on all the things we need to survive? If so how about doubling after that?

The issue is that we don't even know at the current population how long it will be before we run at of resources we currently enjoy.

Btw, I'm conservative and look at things objectively. The population situation may very well survive longer than I will, but it won't survive my children. If you want a reality check, Google world population, click on images and view the last 200 years as a graph. The trajectory is scary!

Not playing your game.

You always want someone else to prove or investigate...well I knew that and you bit. This is one of those silly opinion threads as there is no "correct nswer" . But if there IS a correct prove it for once.

I don't care what they say, I know what I like and I don't like crowds. Simple.

You can have your opinion too.

Got it, you dont care what the professional demographers have concluded after much study.
Boatpoker...congrats......It will reach about 9 or 10....then decrease. "The world population is currently growing by approximately 74 million people per year. Current United Nations predictions estimate that the world population will reach 9.0 billion around 2050, assuming a decrease in average fertility rate from 2.5 down to 2.0.[304]["

And thr reason is the same one your wives and daughters dont have as many babies as your great granmothers did. Third world countries are going the same way.
Ask that same professor what the sustainable limit of the human population is.

Do you think the world's population can double again without impact on all the things we need to survive? If so how about doubling after that?

The issue is that we don't even know at the current population how long it will be before we run at of resources we currently enjoy.

Btw, I'm conservative and look at things objectively. The population situation may very well survive longer than I will, but it won't survive my children. If you want a reality check, Google world population, click on images and view the last 200 years as a graph. The trajectory is scary!


You just showed youre one of those i who doesnt know what the the guys who stidy it professionally say....namely, that it WONT dpuble to 14 billion.
O C Diver....."run out of resources"? Like what, we've never run out of anything. The Club of Rome prediction pn that was debunked, proven wrong, and Paul Ehrlich had tp pay a lot of money on the bet he was challenged to.
I would have thought 10 to 20 don't live where there are cell towers.

In the USA, there is a tax on your cellular bill to help provide phones to the poor.


Many do indeed have very cheap old model cell phones...and they are priority items .
Pretty tough to pick a scientist who got every prediction right.

He got his MAIN notion wrong, and had to pay off the bet he lost on it. We dodnt run out of resources as he and other left wingers said we would.
I scanned a dozen or so articles that were on both sides of the argument....easy to see all or none of the arguments. Simplify the problem and the answer to that one point of view is clear...but the whole problem isn't so easily answered.

Something as complicated as overpopulation is not in the hands of just one professional specialty, in fact few things in life are.

Hard to believe that some may actually think so.
You just showed youre one of those i who doesnt know what the the guys who stidy it professionally say....namely, that it WONT dpuble to 14 billion.

Well he's correct that there we be a massive die off before it doubles.

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