Outrageous Treatment

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Some of the stupidest Internet comments I've seen recently here at the end. 90% of the car parking garages I've been in recently, you pay on the way out. Many tell you to take your card with you. Do they boot you in the first hour?
Agree with the others that your actions could have been taken differently, for better effect. The dock master has no idea what your intentions were - he couldn’t read your mind or know that you’re a respectful, upstanding guy.

That being said, if I came back to my boat and found a chain around it, then my first reaction also would have been fury, and to cut it off and toss it in the drink. However, I would hope to cool off a little and figure a better way to handle the situation.
Chaining a boat to a dock could lead to a very dangerous situation [ adjacent boat fire, taking on water, personal injury etc. ] it’s just not the same a booting a car. This was a foolish move on the authorities part. They could have simply put a ticket on the boat for unpaid use. Then the op could have only been upset with his own actions. The op could have also put a sign on ‘ went to get change ‘ with a phone # . That’s what I would have done.
Some of the stupidest Internet comments I've seen recently here at the end. 90% of the car parking garages I've been in recently, you pay on the way out. Many tell you to take your card with you. Do they boot you in the first hour?
Leaving aside whether you were right or wrong or whether the enforcement was over-eager (no one to answer the phone but quick to chain the boat), thanks for posting your experience. Good reminder to many that we need to be diligent to understand the rules and promptly comply.

I'm always on the lookout for restaurants I can visit by water. Last time I was in Kingston I was discouraged enough by the aggressive signs along the section by the restaurant to turn around and leave without stopping.

On the bright side, it sounds like you got a good rate for overnight dockage [emoji6]
Have not been there, but hopefully next year. Do you recall what the aggressive signage says? I too would be put off from docking there.
Have not been there, but hopefully next year. Do you recall what the aggressive signage says? I too would be put off from docking there.
To be fair, I was looking for a free place to stop for an hour or two to dine out and stretch my legs. From what I saw and judging by the OP's experience that's not on offer.

There are marinas farther along and in Rondout Basin that I'm sure offer daily transient docking, but they're farther away from the museum and restaurant.
The phone was not being answered because the dock master was out walking the docks looking for boats that did not pay for dockage . No way for him to know what your plan was and doing his job by locking your boat . I'm sure you would of paid the dockage when you came back ,wink wink . You ended up with a $10.00 overnight dock and saved $ 90.00 by not docking at the art center . A win win in my book and next time you will know to have small bills and what to expect from the locals . I think you just need to follow the rules of life and enjoy what you have and how you do it . This kind of stress over $10.00 and a chain is going to cut into the time you have left .
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