Anyone in the San Francisco- Bodega Bay Area Advice Please

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Muirgen Afloat

Senior Member
Mar 13, 2021
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Beebe passagemaker 50
We are on our way from Washington state to San Diego and finally the Sea of Cortez. We have one of our daughters traveling with us and were going to fly her back to her home when we got down to San Diego, but it looks like we are stuck in Bodega Harbor do to weather for about a week.
So we are thinking about trying to fly her out of San Francisco to get her back to her home in Troy, NY without the delay. I've tried looking at options of getting her to the airport... but wondering if a local might have ideas on options that are better. Suggestions appreciated. Thanks, Laura
Terribly sorry you didn't make it to SF Bay, there would have been a lot of options. Looks like conditions aren't going to get better for 7-8 days. Wish I had something to offer beyond sympathies.
Try about $200 to SFO for 2-hour service.
Terribly sorry you didn't make it to SF Bay, there would have been a lot of options. Looks like conditions aren't going to get better for 7-8 days. Wish I had something to offer beyond sympathies.

Yeah, it happens. It's okay. We really don't be have to be anywhere at a particular time. We will fly our daughter out so she isn't delayed with her life. We were able to rent a car cheaper than we could do anything else, so tomorrow we will drop her off at the airport than explore the area for a few days. See the redwoods and do a few other things... thanks for the sympathies.. first world problems and all...
Renting a car is a good choice. I've visited Astoria, Tillamook, Crescent City, ... all while awaiting fairer weather. Have a great cruise....
point Reyes area. Find Bolinas!
Visit Occidedental. Fort Ross. Mount Tamalpais.

I lived in the area a lifetime ago, still good!
Muir woods is a good stop/visit. Also Pt Reyes.

A lot of advice here leaning toward Marin County, which is dear to my heart (Tamalpais H.S '61). Point Reyes, where I worked for the County fire department is truly unique, and on the way to/from the city.

You might wish to get your passenger to the airport and then make a leisurely return, savoring West Marin. More expeditious Hwy 101 south, and then Hwy 1, Muir Beach, Stinson, Bolinas, Point Reyes Station, (don't miss Tony's Cove,lunch or dinner) Tomales, back to Bodega.
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visitors' center at Olema, just before Point Reyes Station does a good job of explaining why you want to explore the wonderful National Seashore.
Thanks so much for all your ideas. We got my daughter to the airport today and started exploring the area. Managed to get over the Muir Woods and see the Redwoods which have been on my bucket list forever. So I'm a happy girl.

Also just happened to see a cool looking house when driving pull over to look on it only to realize in was the Potter House used as the school house in the Hitchcock movie of "The Birds".

We did some other exploring and Scot got some metal detecting in. Probably have one or two more days here before we won't to venture out on the seas... not because the boat won't handle it, but because we don't want to have too. So who know what we will get into to tomorrow.. so enjoying this life!
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