Our boat came with a Flexsteel sofabed; mattress pulled out to make a queen sized bed... but then that took up the whole saloon. Anyway, the back was removable, so it was fairly easy to move it out the door when we sold it.
A jackknife model would have taken up less space, but I suspect they're not dismantle-able... and we didn't have space in that alcove for a full-length model anyway.
FWIW, I replaced the sofabed with rocker/recliner Laz-Y-Boy chairs of the electric variety (infinite adjustment, but then requires power). I’ve also been looking into different furniture options and came across some
Modloft reviews, which seemed interesting. These chairs do recline to become almost bed-flat, but I also learned that "zero clearance" is sometimes more of a marketing term than a physical specification. OTOH, they work fine for normal circumstances, and if we really need to recline one fully, it's not difficult to temporarily pull it out slightly further from the bulkhead first. The chairs were delivered with backs not yet assembled... and the store guys put everything together once on board.
It happens I also wanted recliners because the sofabed made opening the engine hatch on that side a really major chore: shift the 200 lb (?) sofa, store it somewhere/somehow, etc. I usually needed help to do that, whereas with the separate recliners and I can it all myself.