The reality of moving to FL?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
"A large part of crime in the USA is drug related. If you have a suggestion for the USA to lower the crime rate, please don't keep it a secret, let it out."

Folks will drink, some think its the reason folks settled down to farm,the desire for an "altered "state of being has been with us forever.

We spend billions on "drug and alcohol" problems with never a cure.

Our drug companies need to come up with mood altering drugs that can be easily and quickly reversed.

No drunk driving , take a sniff from a spray can and poof your sober.

No heroin , coke or other dependancys , just a sip of whatever and your "normal".

Not gona happen as the cartels, DEA ,court system and prisons would be unemployed .
Please do not post misleading nonsense.

Explaining geometry to cats can be fun and entertaining. Marlon Brando starred in a movie adaptation of a William J. Lederer novel the title of which describes folks like him.
"A large part of crime in the USA is drug related. If you have a suggestion for the USA to lower the crime rate, please don't keep it a secret, let it out."

Folks will drink, some think its the reason folks settled down to farm,the desire for an "altered "state of being has been with us forever.

We spend billions on "drug and alcohol" problems with never a cure.

Our drug companies need to come up with mood altering drugs that can be easily and quickly reversed.

No drunk driving , take a sniff from a spray can and poof your sober.

No heroin , coke or other dependancys , just a sip of whatever and your "normal".

Not gona happen as the cartels, DEA ,court system and prisons would be unemployed .

There is another special component to violent crime in the US, due to our history and "the peculiar institution " that most other countries don't have. No one knows what to do about that, either, although Daniel Patrick Moynihan came closest to figuring out what caused it.
Cheap Living On The Water With Your Boat Behind Your House.
No Public Beach So No Weekend Traffic.
Centrally Located For Easy Access To Sarasota or Fort Myers Without Any Traffic Problems.
Punta Gorda, FL south neighborhoods. ❤️

I am buying a boat who’s home Port is PG. parts were hard hit by the hurricane and Ned to be dredged. Where he is I have to plan my trip at half tide or higher. It is a nice slow city but I understand in winter it is very busy.

I am buying a boat who’s home Port is PG. parts were hard hit by the hurricane and Ned to be dredged. Where he is I have to plan my trip at half tide or higher. It is a nice slow city but I understand in winter it is very busy.

Punta Gorda Isles is one large housing area that is on a canal system. 5000+ home sites, all with City of Punta Gorda maintained sea walls. It is these sea walls that got “Hit Hard”. 20% of them failed when all of the water in the canals was pulled out by Hurricane Irma. The city is repairing them as we speak. During season if ten cars at a stop light is what you call “Very Busy”, then I guess we are busy. But you NEVER don’t get through a light at every cycle. So no, we never get very busy. Alligator creek is the canal system that requires half to high tide to transit. PGI not so much unless there is a winter NE wind blow out.
Happy Cruising
Nordic Tugs Are Cool
Certainly a beautiful area. The guy I’m buying the boat from (Paul) doesn’t even get hit by the red tide he is so far up the canal. He tells me in season he has to wait for tables in better restaurants. (That’s busy). Interesting the city owns the sea wall.
Certainly a beautiful area. The guy I’m buying the boat from (Paul) doesn’t even get hit by the red tide he is so far up the canal. He tells me in season he has to wait for tables in better restaurants. (That’s busy). Interesting the city owns the sea wall.

One of the rare situations where the city owns and maintains the sea walls. Owners pay $500 per year to the city. The average lot has 70’ of sea wall at a value of $35,000.00. It’s a bargain.
Why not live aboard for a while as you get to know the area? If you don't like it move.

That is certainly a possibility. There are tons of details like what to do with the current house and belongings. TBH, i don’t think we can (or want to) afford to keep the Cary house (and I doubt we could rent it short term) and afford to stay in a $20+/ft marina in FL.

You know... those kind of details :)
That is certainly a possibility. There are tons of details like what to do with the current house and belongings. TBH, i don’t think we can (or want to) afford to keep the Cary house (and I doubt we could rent it short term) and afford to stay in a $20+/ft marina in FL.

You know... those kind of details :)

Renting from distance is often difficult, but with the right rental management company handling it for you is possible. Could be an initial strategy, then sell when more sure of the move.
Renting from distance is often difficult, but with the right rental management company handling it for you is possible. Could be an initial strategy, then sell when more sure of the move.

We have a friend in the business that we could rely on to manage the property if needed. :)
I won't tell the OP to avoid SE Florida but I will tell him my experiences and why I won't move back. It is not a presumption how he will feel but since the OP has lived in NC for years moving to SE Florida can be culture shock. I really miss the Cuban food and other great restaurants in SE Florida. There really is a lack of good restaurants up here, especially in Cary compared to SE Florida. I had lots of really nice, family owned "ethic" restaurants where I used to live in SE Florida which I do miss. Cary is a vast wasteland in comparison.

I lived in multiple places in Palm Beach and Broward counties. Worked In Dade, Palm Beach, Broward counties as well as over to Fort Myers and Naples. I suspect you live in a very nice part of SE Florida and not worked with the public like I did. I lived in nice areas to slum areas. Honestly, not much difference in crime or rudeness in either areas.

I have lived from close to I95 to out "west" well past the turnpike.

Rudeness is not speech patterns. One of the things I noticed in SE Florida was going to the gas station. This was back in the day where you had to go inside to pay and the clerks acted like they were doing you a favor to take your money to pay for the gas. The people in the gas stations in SW Florida was nice and polite. Night and day difference. Rudeness was a common topic of conversation when I lived down there. Never seen anything like it before or since.

A family member traveled to NYC on business back then and was surprised that people up there were polite unlike the New Yorker's in SE Florida. He was talking to a guy up there about this, and the New Yorker said they ship the rude a....hats to Florida. :lol: Decades later, we were flying out of one of the New York airports and had great service and politeness. :thumb: Figured that guy was right and the rude people where shipped to FLA. As a surprising aside, the rudest people we have seen at airports have been at LAX and SeaTac. Go figure.

There are areas here in NC that are not so nice to go into but I drive through them without much concern. There are areas in South Florida that going into is a major risk and I would not drive through at all. When I lived in SE Florida there were fairly constant reports of tourists or Snow Birds driving into these areas by mistake or ignorance and getting robbed or worse. Heck, I remember one of the news readers getting robbed when she was doing the zig zag to get on I95 from downtown Miami.

At one apartment, one afternoon, I heard a knock on the door. Got up and looked through the peep hole. Nobody there so I sat back down. Another knock on the door and so I looked out the door to see nobody. Sit down and it repeats but this time I stand and keep looking out the peep hole. After a bit I see a deputy leaning out from cover and concealment at which point I open the door to chat with him. He has on a domestic violence call and got the correct apartment number but wrong building. Domestic violence happens anywhere so this is not about DV... But it was the first time I knowingly had it going on near me. Has not happened since either.

Now, why was I not opening the door in the first place? Well there was a Jamaican drug dealer living next door. I will skip all the crap going on with that guy but I felt carrying a shotgun from room to room in my apartment was a prudent thing to do. If one lived on the other side of the road, it was a really nice area. Not so much where I was living. The people living over at the gate golf course community were not having these experiences even though they were maybe 1,000 feet away.

Thankfully, my lease was soon up and I moved to a nice city, kinda like Cary. Of course lots of bad stuff happens in Cary but they suppress that information but that is another story. In the new city I moved too, in a nice area, we had problems with neighbors using drugs, to some nut calling me by mistake thinking I was at his Ex's house and threatening to come beat my a..., and the best one was early one morning when some lady started yelling at some man to put down the machine gun. Fun watching the PD roll in on that call. :rolleyes:

I have lived in quite a few places but SE Florida was the most "interesting."

Maybe SE Florida has gotten better. I don't read about planes landing in the 'glades full of drugs or about square groupers floating up on the beaches. Heck, when I was working on a horse ranch, I saw two twin engine planes flying just above tree top with the engines fire walled and heading west. We assumed one was the drug runner and the other was the Federale's but they both could have been carrying. Maybe the drugs are gone and the law enforcement corruption has stopped too. Got stories about that as well.

Flip side is that a few years ago we drove through on I95 through one of the towns I used to live and I was shocked at the gang tagging on highway signs and walls. That was NOT there when I or my family lived in town.

The OP needs to spend some time in the area he wants to live/work. I would also start reading the local papers, and now a days, check to see if the sheriff and police departments publish crime maps.



Yep, miss the Cuban food. About all.
You and your wife need to really sit down and weigh all the pros and cons. You are dealing with a job available potentially in a more expensive area and a lot of uncertainty versus staying where you are with the uncertainty of not having a job. You have to weigh a lot of what-if's such as what if the job doesn't work out and what if you can't find a job in Cary. How do you feel about moving from the area you've always lived in. How long you can go without a job in NC and what is the likelihood of finding something where you are. What if the job in FL didn't work out, where then would you want to be.

Many would say just go for it. I'm not one of those many. I would say trust your instincts and "when in doubt, don't." If you have reservations trust them. Also, if you and your wife go in having serious doubts, not truly comfortable with the decision, you may just be creating a self fulfilling prophecy.
One other possibility. Don't move initially. Don't even move the boat at first. Rent a small apartment or room and test things first before uprooting yourself and wife.
One other possibility. Don't move initially. Don't even move the boat at first. Rent a small apartment or room and test things first before uprooting yourself and wife.

Thought about this too!
Dockage in Miami is going to be harder to find than it was a couple of months ago. My marina is operating on a limited basis and is not expected to be fully open again for several months, at least. We have to re-power and re-plumb and then rebuild the finger piers. The marina next door is not slated to re-open until mid 2019. Miami lost a lot of dockage with Irma. Dockage here is expensive, too. I think mine is about $26/foot/month, and I’m in the cheapest place I could find. We are also primed for a 100%, or more, increase in insurance premiums next year. Back to paying five figures a year for insurance. Not looking forward to that.
As someone who has lived on both coasts of Florida (now Jupiter north of West Palm beach and Anna Maria Island/Bradenton south of St. Pete in the 90's) I prefer living on the West Coast. I prefer boating on the East Coast. Moved to SFL after 7 years in Manhattan about 6 years ago. Rented for a year in Hollywood Florida which is in-between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. A year was enough of that nonsense. Moved as far north as I could and still get to my Fort Lauderdale office most days. The further north you go on this coast the more "normal" it gets.

One thing not talked about is the business environment. Give me NYC business any day of the week. Especially when talking about Miami. My experience with Miami has been that it is a cesspool of under the table, scratch my back I scratch yours, back stabbing, low lifes in the business world. Don't know what business you are in but that's what it is all about down there. somewhat better in Fort Lauderdale. That and cheaper is better. Want to sell your product/service? Just come in cheaper. Alll you need to do. Quality is irreleevant. Just my opinion though. but one formed through working in the major markets on both coasts.

Someone mentioned staying north of West Palm and I completely agree. Jupiter, Port St. Lucie, Vero, Melbourne, etc. Housing very reasonable and some nice areas and dock space for $10-$14 not a problem.
As someone who has lived on both coasts of Florida (now Jupiter north of West Palm beach and Anna Maria Island/Bradenton south of St. Pete in the 90's) I prefer living on the West Coast. I prefer boating on the East Coast. Moved to SFL after 7 years in Manhattan about 6 years ago. Rented for a year in Hollywood Florida which is in-between Fort Lauderdale and Miami. A year was enough of that nonsense. Moved as far north as I could and still get to my Fort Lauderdale office most days. The further north you go on this coast the more "normal" it gets.

One thing not talked about is the business environment. Give me NYC business any day of the week. Especially when talking about Miami. My experience with Miami has been that it is a cesspool of under the table, scratch my back I scratch yours, back stabbing, low lifes in the business world. Don't know what business you are in but that's what it is all about down there. somewhat better in Fort Lauderdale. That and cheaper is better. Want to sell your product/service? Just come in cheaper. Alll you need to do. Quality is irreleevant. Just my opinion though. but one formed through working in the major markets on both coasts.

Someone mentioned staying north of West Palm and I completely agree. Jupiter, Port St. Lucie, Vero, Melbourne, etc. Housing very reasonable and some nice areas and dock space for $10-$14 not a problem.

Good post too. Thanks, Mr. Base.
(Or are we on a first name basis)
First name basis, absolutely! If you would like to discuss over the phone I would be happy to do so. Been there done that up and down both coasts so can maybe answer any questions you have. Just PM me and I will send my phone number. Happy to do it. Right now you would be loving it down here as the hot is gone and it is now our time of year. Open up the house, let the breeze take over....what we moved here for and it will go straight through until late spring. Awesome!
One thing not talked about is the business environment. Give me NYC business any day of the week. Especially when talking about Miami. My experience with Miami has been that it is a cesspool of under the table, scratch my back I scratch yours, back stabbing, low lifes in the business world. Don't know what business you are in but that's what it is all about down there. somewhat better in Fort Lauderdale. That and cheaper is better. Want to sell your product/service? Just come in cheaper. Alll you need to do. Quality is irreleevant. Just my opinion though. but one formed through working in the major markets on both coasts.


As a couple owning businesses in all three counties of South Florida we don't have those issues at all. Perhaps it's the type business or perhaps just that we won't deal with people like that.

Now as to the OP, his job is based on the company's location and that is probably based on the number of conventions and convention centers. Miami comes out very well in that field.
As a couple owning businesses in all three counties of South Florida we don't have those issues at all. Perhaps it's the type business or perhaps just that we won't deal with people like that.

Now as to the OP, his job is based on the company's location and that is probably based on the number of conventions and convention centers. Miami comes out very well in that field.

My apologies for the broad stoke review as you do run very fine businesses and are a credit to all three counties and yes there are many others as well. Most of my heartburn is because many of my clients are the major property management companies and BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Assoc.) types who I putting... and very much a clique. I have found the same with some other types of corporations outside this particular market segment as well. On more than one occasion I have been told very bluntly how I can grow my business footprint with them and as a large global company traded on the stock market we just don't bow to that type of pressure to add business. Insider pricing shenanigans on bids, numerous criminal investigations and arrest due to business practices, etc. Just not a nice MY business. Your mileage may vary as they say!! I will say that some of the marine oriented companies I have dealt with are top notch and of incredible quality.
My apologies for the broad stoke review as you do run very fine businesses and are a credit to all three counties and yes there are many others as well. Most of my heartburn is because many of my clients are the major property management companies and BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Assoc.) types who I putting... and very much a clique. I have found the same with some other types of corporations outside this particular market segment as well. On more than one occasion I have been told very bluntly how I can grow my business footprint with them and as a large global company traded on the stock market we just don't bow to that type of pressure to add business. Insider pricing shenanigans on bids, numerous criminal investigations and arrest due to business practices, etc. Just not a nice MY business. Your mileage may vary as they say!! I will say that some of the marine oriented companies I have dealt with are top notch and of incredible quality.

No apology necessary. It's what you've encountered. We haven't. When I worked in the major corporate world I saw it all taking place. Fortunately, I worked for a company that said no. I once had a huge television show up on a plant manager's porch. He called me and I gave the Japanese firm (wanting to be a supplier) that sent it one hour to pick it up if they ever wanted us to consider them. They asked how did I expect them to do that. I told them they were wasting time, they got it there, take it away. There's a very famous real estate developer and hotel and resort owner we refused to sell too. His people told me that he would be calling my boss. I said he was welcome to but when told who my boss was I didn't think it likely he would. My boss and I did have a good laugh about it. He repeatedly refused to pay vendors bills in full.

I remember a day around 1992 when a friend who worked for an apparel company in NY called me to tell me the FBI was there and they came in with guns drawn and aimed. At one time she had two armed agents walk into her office. They raided at least 7 NY companies that day and many owners were subsequently arrested for customs violations. (Chinese good shipping through another country and being marked as originating in that country which had quota available).

When I was young I was advised that employees could buy the company's stock if we wanted but they didn't advise it as we had it in our retirement plan and if the company made any acquisition or sold any division and we had purchased in the 60 days prior that company policy was we had to rescind the purchase even if we knew nothing.

Not surprised at all what you encountered in the industries you're in.
Both my grandparents lived in Miami since the '20's; both my parents born in Miami. I had a tremendous amount of family there. 1st and second cousins on both sides. They loved it. First grandad/mom got chased out by a shotgun wielding person at their front door (NW5th ave) in the early '70's. All the cousins left. Went to deltona, cooper city, palm bay, lantana, all still FL, but ZERO now in M-D county.
great food though....
Hi everyone,

It is possible that my wife and I could take an opportunity to relocate to South Florida. I have found myself "between jobs" and she has the ability to work remotely. In addition, I may have to ability to take a gig covering a south Florida area.

We would need to relocate the boat and find a place to keep her there. There wouldn't be an increase in annual income and that worries me some. We could start by living onboard, but I don't think I could do that for more than a few months.

Like many, we have always "dreamed" of pulling up stakes and going south long island residential movers, but now that it is a real possibility, it is kinda scary. I have lived in NC for my entire life and don't know what to expect in such a life-altering relocation.

Do y'all have any pointers or advice that can help us decide?

Has anyone analyzed if it's worth moving to Florida to save on taxes (planning Roth conversion of 4 million T-ira) vs the high housing prices in areas I would want to move and home Insurance (flood ,hurricane etc.) I currently live in Maryland which is only getting worse on taxes and hidden fees.
I don’t live there so I may be wrong but it looks like the home prices are dropping dramatically due to the insurance costs rising dramatically. Condos are being hit hard due to new laws regarding inspections and maintenance reserves. I would wait a while and see how it shakes out.
Has anyone analyzed if it's worth moving to Florida to save on taxes (planning Roth conversion of 4 million T-ira) vs the high housing prices in areas I would want to move and home Insurance (flood ,hurricane etc.) I currently live in Maryland which is only getting worse on taxes and hidden fees.
Depends on your wants and needs.

Near the water and south of the frost line the prices and population starts to rise dramatically. Inland 20-60 miles, different story.

There really are 3 Floridas...climate and population/costs wise. The Panhandle, South Florida, and the rest.

Quite a few that move down move back north someplace because of the 6 month summer of heat and humidity.... not that it's as bad some places in Florida as the whole rest of the Southeast...but it does drag on if you don't like searing sun and sweat.

The comment on homeowners insurance (car too) is accurate and the new condo inspection requirement assessments by HOAs is driving people out in pretty good numbers.
Has anyone analyzed if it's worth moving to Florida to save on taxes (planning Roth conversion of 4 million T-ira) vs the high housing prices in areas I would want to move and home Insurance (flood ,hurricane etc.) I currently live in Maryland which is only getting worse on taxes and hidden fees.
A buddy of mine and I both moved from Maryland to SW FL. We both are significantly better off as far as taxes. But what part of FL you plan to move to could directly effect your decision. As far as savings on an IRA conversion, that should be a simple calculation for an accountant as FL has no income tax.

Depending on your assets, I've heard Florida is a good place to die compared to some other states.

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