Lithium house bank project

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Yup, direct connect. They charge the lead acid engine starter banks.

Good call, checked the manual and I should have fuses in those lines, thanks!
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Well, it's been 3 days since I stopped charging the batteries, both fridges powered, lights on when I'm aboard, 8 amp blowers on when I'm in the engine room and the house bank was 13.2 when I arrived today and 13.1 when I left.

I like lithium - :)

Going to keep drawing down to at least 12.5 before I charge.
Do you have a BMK? I would measure amps out more than I would rely on voltage. Voltage could be misleading based on what loads are present.

Monitoring both of course is best.
Yeah, I have the shunt installed, but haven't hooked up the monitor which will require running a cable under the settee and drilling some holes.

I'll do it in the winter, now it's time to get this boat down the river again - :)
I experience the same with voltage not dropping while the Ah are being used up. Just now cooking and drawing 210 amps tp inverter and volts are 12.8.
Yes monitor Ah more than volts
Does it show current consumption as well? I find knowing the current draw helps to plan load balancing.
yes, shows volts, Current-amps coming in(charging), Power-watts being consumed. Cell voltage and battery temperature. I am still learning about it, I just have one 100ah battery to power an inverter powering my under counter fridge. I am happy with everything so far.
Your example shows 0 current and 0 power. Was it not charging or consuming power at time of photo?
My not BT monitors show +/- current and watts. I have the option to add BT.
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Correct, that was at the end of a 24hr test with just my inverter and fridge plugged in. I wasn't charging at the time and had turned off my inverter when I took the screen shot. It is the only picture I have available for reference to show.
Wifey and I were back today doing the "boat wash" thing and the batts are still at 13.1 I have also changed out all the filaments and florescent to LED, not much lighting draw. The only ones left are the rope lights and that will require removing a lot of "ceiling teak" to install the new LED tape lights.

Another "winter" project - :)
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