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    Florida marinas

    Hi I went boating the other day and passed several cops, I am in Fort Lauderdale though. We anchored up off of Hillsborough Inlet and there were other boats there as well; there were not any issues. However, you cannot use any of the boat ramps around here the police are there. There was a...
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    Combine house and start?

    If you replacing everything why not do it the correct way and use dedicated batteries for start and genset and separate for house bank, put a switch in a place so you don't have to crawl down in engine room or lift hatches to jump banks, Also get a larger charger 40amps is too small for your...
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    Switch for under counter lighting

    you can also try a motion sensor / PIR switch
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    Sources of CO

    how to determine the detector that caused the alarm Generally they all have a light on them sometimes two. Look at the alarm if they are going off and blinking green, one should be blinking red. That is the one that caused them all to go off. Once you press the button and reset them or pull out...
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    A 240V danger.

    This is my first time posting hope this goes through, you are correct except you should not connect a N to a 3 prong - say dryer outlet- it is two hots and the ground(green or bare)
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    How do you manage wires in your engine room?
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