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  1. W

    Turbine powered generator

    I think this is very interesting. I assume it would run on standard diesel? I'm wondering if there might be main propulsion applications. A turbine generator powering an AC synchronous motor. Wondering about the efficiency (power conversion losses) and fuel economy. I'm sure it's been thought of...
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    Journey of a Lifetime

    This is great and am enjoying the learning. Thank you for posting. This is a similar boat to what we'd seriously consider owning one day.
  3. W

    Thanks goodness...

    Oh yeah. Defever 49 RPH. Not necessarily this one but this model is our current favorite although this example is very nice.
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    President 38

    Congrats! Any pictures?
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    Underway Today

    Ah...ok I get it. Thank you.
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    Underway Today

    Skinny water?? :confused: Sorry if its a dumb question. :blush:
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    Nordhavn #3

    Hi John. I didn't know you were on this forum. I read about your exciting news on the other forum. Very happy for you and Maria and of course jealous. The layout is excellent in my book. After I formulate some thoughts, I was going to contact you off line and pick your brain. John, you've...
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    Boat Size Considerations

    Peter - that sounds good. Thanks.
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    Towing a dinghy

    So when you tow a dingy, how do you tie it off? Specifically, on the trawler end, do you secure from each corner so the line forms a "Y" down to a single line to the dingy? I've heard the term "bridle" the "Y" the bridle? Hope my question isn't too stupid. :blush:
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    Rough Water Seamanship part deux: How to

    Thanks Marin for that. I stand corrected. I have a lot to learn but this thread has started me thinking and visualizing. This is invaluable. To everyone else that posted, thank you. Please keep it coming. I'm taking notes. :thumb:
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    Rough Water Seamanship part deux: How to

    Capthead - Thank you! This is exactly what I was hoping for. When you describe it, it makes sense. The water is moving past the boat from the stern so rudder movements need to be the opposite of what you're thinking when you're looking forward. Very valuable info. :thumb:
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    Woodsong - I couldn't find the fuel burn data.
  13. W


    So it's interesting to hear the different opinions. I wonder if when everyone here first started boating, did we think that Bayliner was inferior? Speaking for myself, since I didn't know any difference, I thought Bayliner's were great. They looked nice, they were affordable, so our first boats...
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    Rough Water Seamanship part deux: How to

    Ok I understand. Thanks. :)
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    Good question! I couldn't understand this either.
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    Rough Water Seamanship part deux: How to

    Caltexflanc - I was hoping for some input from all of you as to the types of rough water one might encounter. All of what you mention is valid in my opinion. We currently live in the PNW where rough water probably doesn't really enter into the equation unless one is crossing larger stretches of...
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    Rough Water Seamanship part deux: How to

    I've followed with interest the OP by Kevin regarding this topic. What I hope to do here is get some boat handling tips for rough weather handling. I'm hoping all of you could provide a situation and the response you'd do. I understand that there are different ways to handle situations and that...
  18. W

    Which is a better for going accross the big ponds?

    Well since you're asking for opinions, I would pick the Nordhavn. I have no experience on either and hear good things about both but have read books about owners of Nordhavn crossing oceans, etc. I've been on both boats at boat shows and believe both are excellent in their quality...just very...
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    3rd Annual Spring Boating Symposium

    Moonfish - Darn...I didn't know about it and now have commitments. Is this a yearly thing?
  20. W

    Maybe this one?

    Gardner engines! Me likey.:D
  21. W

    Boat Size Considerations

    All great points concerning side decks. So my take-a-way from this is basically, we tend to overcome and adapt. Although there are preferences which are based on personal tastes, and which may dictate which kind you ultimately get, whichever type of side decks you have, you just work with it...
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    Boat Size Considerations

    For us, and again we have no experience in actual boating like this, we do like the full width salon based on the boats we've been aboard at the boat shows. I was kinda hoping the TF member with the Helmsman 38 Pilothouse would chime in because my concerns are also with accessibility when...
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    Boat Size Considerations

    I love the idea of a wooden boat but not the upkeep. I hear that wooden boats are very quiet underway due to the properties of wood being a good insulator. I guess I don't know but the way my mind works, the challenge of bringing a larger boat in right where I want it is appealing. Is this the...
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    Boat Size Considerations

    :rofl: I didn't know Mark well enough to suggest that. :D
  25. W

    Boat Size Considerations

    Thanks for the vote of confidence, Caltexflanc. It's funny you should mention stand-up engine rooms because that's on my list. It would be very nice to have but definitely not in prevalence out there. Ungainly: 1. Lacking grace or ease of movement or form; clumsy. 2. Difficult to move or use...
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