Underway Today

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Probably kind of strange but my favorite view on the boat is over the stern while underway. Always relaxes me for some reason.
Also Skinny refers to area not charted well and has shallows or sand bars around. Usually where you intend to go.
I didn't plan on 14 hours solo in tight, very tight channels and a foot or less of water under the keel on day one. Absolute dark arrival in a new to me anchorage, but no worries :) glad I hadn't ate or drank much recently:)
Really appreciate being able to tag along with you if only with AIS and looking at the great photos. Sure is different cruising grounds form the PNW. Have fun and be safe!
Well it's a boat !!! Hauling out in Ft Lauderdale to check a suspect cutlass bearing. Pulled an abanded dockline into the bearing a few days ago. My son pulled it out and said there was a foot of 3/4" line in there!!
You will pass by me in an hour or so I am in hollywood between hollywood and sheridan bridges I am in front of a little one story lime green condo If I can help or you need anything in ft lau. please lmk I have a car here
Wow sorry I didn't see this post in time. Thanks for the offer did see me go by?
Did I see you? I hope I waved back. I'm sure like most of us I wave at most everyone I see, but I don't always see someone even if I'm looking in there direction. Speed limit? I only know one speed, really slow:)
Didn't wave to me.. didn't even notice me.. sheesh


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Are you pulling my leg? Where were you?
I'll be in Maine again this summer. I'm waving right now:socool:
Great shots, great trip !
Question, if you had to stay inside the whole way, would the 5' draft be a problem for you? (or any 5' draft vessel)


Too much? I might need a crew with these.



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