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    Marine Trader keel dripping water

    Yes, I have a 40 ft puget trawler that started to drip from the keel. It was damaged by a previous owner when he ran it aground. I drilled holes in the keel and let it drain. Fiberglassing with west system resolved it. Then I added a garboard plug as it freezes in the winter here. Your main...
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    Alaska port agreement

    My boat is on the hard there and to date the harbormaster office is closed to the public. No lift operators to put boat in.
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    Alaska port agreement

    CITY OF VALDEZ COVID-19 SPORT AND PERSONAL FISHING AGREEMENT City of Valdez Health Mandate #001 does not exempt Sport and Personal Fishing as critical infrastructure. Each individual/party intending to engage in sport or personal use fishing within the City of Valdez (“City” or “Valdez”) or...
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    Inside passage

    My son purchased a forty foot boat in wrangell and is steaming it up to Valdez in May. I was wondering if anyone knew a good pilot log that’s available that can reference anchorages, fuel docks, hazards, etc. I’m racking my brain and can’t think of one. Thanks for any and all replies.
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    Kind of funny

    Just spent nine days on the boat fishing, shrimping, and gunkholing around Prince William Sound. My first night at home I woke up in the middle of the night to hit the bathroom when I glanced outside the window and saw trees. Being half asleep I freaked out for a second and thought my anchor...
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    Raritan head

    Thanks, it’s raw water. It’s to tear into it and see.
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    Raritan head

    I have a sea era raritan head with a momentary contact switch to activate it. It just went on the blink. Upon pressing the button nothing happens except a faint clicking noise in the rear of the head. Before I tear into it I thought I’d ask here for answers, advice, condolences, or smiley faces.
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    I’m stumped

    Thanks Stripper for the proper nomenclature! Now I won’t sound like a knucklehead. It’s not rv glycol so I’ll check when I get back down there.
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    I’m stumped

    Sunchaser, I’ve had the vessel for two years gunkholing Prince William Sound most of the summer. The heater exhaust and fresh air inlet is a large thruhull that incorporates both in one. No bilge or shower pump connected to a coolant system. As there is glycol in the system there was nothing...
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    I’m stumped

    The expansion tank is full. I just pulled up the schematic and operating instructions and they don’t have a thru hole bleed off on any schematic. What I called the glycol reservoir is actually called the expansion tank and nowhere is the receptacle resembling a 20lb propane tank that is...
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    I’m stumped

    There’s an overflow tank, off the reservoir tank, and an expansion tank. Everything looks good, the expansion tank has a keyed needle valve on top. I assumed that unscrewing it would release some air, or at least a little glycol, but neither happened when I opened it. I don’t believe it’s...
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    I’m stumped

    Thanks, didn’t see one but I’ll check again.
  13. S

    I’m stumped

    Thank for your reply Tim. The thru hull is connected to a heater hose. I thought this was a closed system and I can’t figure out why it’s coming out.
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    I’m stumped

    I live in Alaska and this weekend I went to my boat which is on the hard. (The boat is a 1978 37’ pacific trawler.) I hooked a portable generator to the ship to shore cord and I left everything off at the panel except the power to my hurricane heater. Turned the burner on and went to work on the...
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    Oil question

    Thank you everyone for your replies. My same thoughts regarding dello, just needed a reality check.
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    Oil question

    I have a John Deere turbo 150 HP diesel in a forty foot Trawler that I change oil every 100 hours. We just got a new Costco in town, “first ever”, and I had never been in a Costco before. Strolling around, I found they were selling dello 15 40 three one gallon jugs for a decent price. Will I be...
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    Boat Heating Advice

    Boat heat I also have the hurricane 2 hydronic heater. With three thermostats. Used down to thirty degrees constant 70 inside a forty footer. Option to use diesel or electric with a flick of a switch.
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    New carpet and helm chair

    Looks great! Nice and comfy. Looks like you’re getting ready to throw a couple shrimp pots over in a few weeks.
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    Boat Dogs

    Taking the yappers for a walk.
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    Bbq etiquette

    Very nice Mark and Perla, looks like you were having a good time. Sea-Duction, it does pop a bit but after a couple of libations, the novelty seems to fade!��
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    Bbq etiquette

    Great way to keep your fish and shrimp cool. Glacier ice keeps a lot longer too. I also like how it keeps a cocktail cool and refreshing. What I don't like is those low profile black colored ones that is hard to see in the chop.
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    Bbq etiquette

    Wells, Long, and Cedar bay are all great bays. Long has several uncharted rocks that can be sketchy, but all are beautiful. Wells is not bad halibut fishing either.
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    Bbq etiquette

    We were east of you and killed them too. Nothing better!
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    Bbq etiquette

    I was bbqing a bunch of fresh spot prawns on my boat last weekend, gave a big plate of em to the new slip owners next door, never heard a peep from them about the smoke afterwards.
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    Dogs and Trawlers

    Here's my two
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