Marine Trader keel dripping water

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Feb 2, 2016
Vessel Name
Sea Dragon
Vessel Make
78 Marine Trader
Anyone else had this issue?
How did you solve it?
I had it with my Albin. Probably a similar issue. Keel is filled with cement.
In my case it was the screws for the oem bulge pump were drilled thru the thin skin that covers the keel. I glassed you the holes and the leak stopped.
However in order to drain the keel I had to drill from the bottom of the keel under where I thought the water was draining from then tapped for a pipe plug. Once the water started dripping out of the tapped hole I was able to do the fiberglass repair on the outside where the water was dripping from. Every fall haul out I would remove the plug to let trapped water drip out. It took 4 seasons to get all the water out.
Another Albin owner I talked with found his breech under the transmission where the glass work had cracked and let bilge water in. He put a drain plug on the side of his keel.
Yes, I have a 40 ft puget trawler that started to drip from the keel. It was damaged by a previous owner when he ran it aground. I drilled holes in the keel and let it drain. Fiberglassing with west system resolved it. Then I added a garboard plug as it freezes in the winter here. Your main issue is why and where it’s leaking. For a temp fix if it’s not too bad you could apply splash zone on it. Good luck!
Some are filled with cement. Some are filled with river gravel, small to medium sized stones. A few are allegedly hollow, I have not encountered one of those.

Typical water intrusion points are the aft shaft coupling (most common), the stuffing box fitting, and shaft log crevice corrosion. Holes in the “fake bilge” as another poster said.

How much is it dripping? Where is it dripping from? Do you live up North, or down South?

What size m/t? Single or double screw?

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