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1975 Gulfstar 36 MrkII Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Gulfstar 36

Senior Member
Jul 9, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Gulfstar 36 MrkII
Kent Island, MD

This is the rare "Owners Edition" with the single queen aft stateroom. The MrkII has the upgraded interior over the MrkIs

LOA: 36 ft 3 in
Beam: 12 ft 0 in
Minimum Draft: 3 ft 0 in
Displacement: 16000 lbs

Engine Brand: Perkins
Engine(s) Total Power: 170 HP
Engine Model: 4-236M's
Year Built: 1975
Engine Hours: 3800

Fresh Water Tanks: (95 Gallons)
Fuel Tanks: (234 Gallons)


Aft Master Stateroom w/ Queen Berth
Great Cabinet Storage In Master
Hanging Lockers
Aft Master Head w/ Stall Shower
AC/Heat 2 Zone
Roomy Salon with Lower Helm
Wood Floors
Galley Down with Dinette
Forward V Berth Guest Stateroom
Lectra Sans Guest Head Forward
Color 32”TV w/ DVD Player


Norcold 12v/120v Fridge/Freezer
3 Burner Propane Stove w/ Oven
Microwave Oven
Deepwell Sink
Dinette To Port of Galley with Room for 4


Garmin GPSmap 182C at lower helm
Lowrance Elite 7 HDI (upper helm)
Raytheon Pathfinder SL70 Radar (upper helm)
West Marine VHF Radio (lower)
Standard Horizon Quest VHF Radio (upper)
Digital Depth Indicators at Both Helms

Engines & Mechanical

Perkins 4-236M 85hp Twin Diesels
2GPH total @ 7-8 knot cruise
Onan 8kw Generator (1900 hours)
4D Starting Battery
Separate Charges for Gen & Engine Batteries
Heart Interface 2500w/130a Charger Invertor with Xantrex Link 1000
4 House batteries (6 volt GC)


Delta 35lbs with 15' Chain 180' nylon rode
Danforth 22lbs with 200' nylon rode
Force 10 Propane Grill
Kato Davits rail mounted with 600lbs capacity
Kato crane
Swim Platform


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I'd buy it but I own the one on the other side of the pier from this one. She's a good boat for anyone looking for a 36 MKII.
That's an insane amount of boat for the money.

Makes me think about how much I overpaid for my boat.
I’m very interested, do you have more pictures available? I don’t see an autopilot mentioned, is there one? Let me review the listing in depth and get back to you with any questions.

Thanks for the note, there is no auto pilot. I have a few more photos on another listing site. I will PM you the link.

I’m very interested, do you have more pictures available? I don’t see an autopilot mentioned, is there one? Let me review the listing in depth and get back to you with any questions.

Not sure how to edit this post, I'm adding a few more photos and reducing the price to $24,499.


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Price reduction $23,500
Price reduction, $22,500
This looks like something that could work well for my solo trip planned for next year. If I were to purchase this, can it remain there until next spring? I would plan to move it to Lake Michigan to prepare it for my Great Loop adventure next fall.

I would like to talk to you tomorrow and see if this would be a good fit for me.

I definitely interested if it is still available.

Please let me know.

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