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For Sale: 1987 Kadey Krogen North Sea Manatee

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Roger Long

Senior Member
Jul 14, 2015
Vessel Name
Gypsy Star
Vessel Make
Gulf Star 43
Life’s curveballs are bringing us to the realization that we must sell our recently purchased Manatee. She is a rare North Sea model, one of three in the nation, with the full pilothouse and forward slanted windows. Vessel is operational and just completed a ten day shakedown cruise. Now located in SC. Vetus Bow thruster. Midway through a major refit with these items completed: Engine remounted with new engine mounts. Stern bearing replaced and cooling water connection to stuffing box installed to provide positive water flow to stern bearing. Bowsprit rebuilt and Loftrans Tigress windlass installed with 55 lb. Mantus anchor and 200 feet of 3/8 chain. Dickenson Antarctic diesel heater installed in salon. Provides dry, quiet, heat with fireplace like ambiance. Rudder port area massively reinforced with hull protection from debris lodged between prop and hull. Very low hours (approx. 1600) engine due to decade as a mostly stationary liveaboard by PO. 2 inverters (one for 110 V. refrigerator), new bilge pump, anchor washdown pump, and other items on board awaiting installation. AC removed by PO but seacocks still in place for reinstallation. This would be the perfect snowbird or Great Loop cruiser. You could not get this much living space in a used boat with a real pilothouse at twice the price and operational cost.

Pictures here:

Whoever ends up with this boat, I sure hope you can maintain contact here. There are so few North-Sea versions. Knowing someone else who had one of these might have saved me thousands on projects specific to this model.
What makes this model different??

There may be differences in most Manatees anyway. We have a saying at Krogen, that being "When you've seen one Krogen, you've seen one Krogen". The most obvious differences in Manatees would be between the one and two stateroom versions. But the difference we're talking about in the Conventional Manatee vs. the North-Sea version is in the Pilothouse. The Conventional Manatee came with a hardtop, aft-leaning hard windshield with hard forward side windows at the helm. A lower Dutch style pilothouse door was included. The rest of the enclosure, if ordered, was canvas and Eisenglass.

The North-Sea version came with a forward raked windshield and a hard glass enclosure all the way around. It also had a hard upper section of the dutch door. Here's a shot of a conventional Manatee and Roger's North-Sea version for sale above. As in my boat, there may be other differences that are interior, or at least not apparent, but who knows.


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Having spent my professional life designing commercial power vessels, it would have been hard for me to buy a boat with aft sloped windows.

Advantages of forward sloped windows:

Prevent reflections from any interior lights and instruments from interfering with vision at night.

Provide space for mounting radios and other instruments above to free up console space.

Provide a feeling of spaciousness.

Rain and spray run off the windows more easily and less rain falls on them.

They create a natural visor effect in addition to whatever visor the boat has. Having run this boat into low sun on not particularly hot days, I would hate to be standing behind the conventional windows.

There is room for 2 - 3 more solar panels (yet to be installed) on top of this pilothouse than on the conventional version.

It is easier to reach the outsides for cleaning.

You look down at the water more at a right angle through the glass which makes for clearer vision, especially when there is glare.
Advantages of forward sloped windows...
Also hugely reduces water intrusion and resulting damage. Look at any 20+ yo cruiser with aft-sloped windows that's been stored in the open. If it has wooden trim, it will be discolored below the windows. You can see this in most online brokerage photos. Keeping the sun and precipitation off those windows will have significant savings down the road. Remember, many boats have substantial electrical rigging below the helm.

And the ability to see down into the water without glare is why they are type-specified for rescue boats in Europe. If you don't care about recovering a MOB - in fact, that might be a "feature" :) - then nevermind.

There is one downside I've mentioned previously - you have to dust the inside face of the windows a couple of times a year.
Life’s curveballs are bringing us to the realization that we must sell our recently purchased Manatee. She is a rare North Sea model, one of three in the nation, with the full pilothouse and forward slanted windows. Vessel is operational and just completed a ten day shakedown cruise. Now located in SC. Vetus Bow thruster. Midway through a major refit with these items completed: Engine remounted with new engine mounts. Stern bearing replaced and cooling water connection to stuffing box installed to provide positive water flow to stern bearing. Bowsprit rebuilt and Loftrans Tigress windlass installed with 55 lb. Mantus anchor and 200 feet of 3/8 chain. Dickenson Antarctic diesel heater installed in salon. Provides dry, quiet, heat with fireplace like ambiance. Rudder port area massively reinforced with hull protection from debris lodged between prop and hull. Very low hours (approx. 1600) engine due to decade as a mostly stationary liveaboard by PO. 2 inverters (one for 110 V. refrigerator), new bilge pump, anchor washdown pump, and other items on board awaiting installation. AC removed by PO but seacocks still in place for reinstallation. This would be the perfect snowbird or Great Loop cruiser. You could not get this much living space in a used boat with a real pilothouse at twice the price and operational cost.

Pictures here:

Can I get a price?
As we adjust to the realization that we are not going to be able to fully restore this vessel and do the Great Loop, we are finding that some shorter and more modest goals are still attractive and doable. We are going to defer any final decisions until after this winter’s cruising unless we get a “lightning strikes” offer on the boat.
Hang in there Roger, the light at the end of the tunnel will get brighter.
We have just learned that I must take several weeks off from boating and possibly have a minor operation so doing the FL cruise has become very unlikely. We expect to list the soon with a broker so, if anyone is interested in a private sale, they should let us know sooner than later.
Am I the only one leery of first time posters with poor grammar?
I'm more leery of posters who treat other posters rudely.
Especially newbies. People come to TF from all walks of life and many countries. Some fall victim to "predictive text". It`s not a grammar lesson. Nice if everyone has perfect expression but it`s not going to happen. As long as we can understand, we will get by.

That would be me, Gaston - Andrew Coffey. Just sold Krogen 42 'Oogachaka' last week and will be taking her down to Melbourne with new owner on the weekend. Heading back over to the US in early February to look at a couple more Krogens for a client. The 42s are a fantastic boat!
We have just learned that I must take several weeks off from boating and possibly have a minor operation so doing the FL cruise has become very unlikely. We expect to list the soon with a broker so, if anyone is interested in a private sale, they should let us know sooner than later.

Where is this boat and how do I get a price? I am looking at boats this coming weekend, including a Manatee. I would also consider this craft if I can get some basic information.
Did anyone ever get a price on this?
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