2021 Cruising Plans

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If, and here is the big If... If I can get my wife to go, my intention is to make the big journey south from Alaska.

She promised to go as far as Seattle. I am thinking I would prefer to do the Seward to Seattle portion myself, and have her join up for the trip south from there. We love wilderness cruising but I could easily burn her out with another 1500 NM of it...

Take this with a glob of salt but I would think the first leg, with all that mountainous forested wilderness flowing past the windows on both sides of the boat (sometimes within rock chucking distance) with lots of opportunities for sitting out wild weather in scenic anchorages, would be far more enjoyable for her than long open ocean runs with bad weather exposure and butt clenching bar crossings.
Take this with a glob of salt but I would think the first leg, with all that mountainous forested wilderness flowing past the windows on both sides of the boat (sometimes within rock chucking distance) with lots of opportunities for sitting out wild weather in scenic anchorages, would be far more enjoyable for her than long open ocean runs with bad weather exposure and butt clenching bar crossings.

The challenge is that I’ve done that already. I have spent a boating lifetime doing just that. What people dream of doing in Alaska I have done.

I’ve explored this wonderful place called Alaska. I’ve flown my little float plane into places people dream of. I’ve explored places that postcard photos are made from.

What I long for is to explore. To do something different.

For me, what many of you are doing right now, while dreaming of doing what I am doing is what I want to do.

I want to explore the towns along the pacific coast, spending time in each one. I want to see the history of California, to visit the old missions. Places like Monterey, cannery row (I am a Steinbeck fan). Places like Santa Barbara. Places like the California Delta. I want to explore these places.

To me the trip south is not envisioned as the actual time between ports, it is the time in those ports exploring. The “at sea” part is just a means to a end.
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The challenge is that I’ve done that already. I have spent a boating lifetime doing just that. What people dream of doing in Alaska I have done.

I’ve explored this wonderful place called Alaska. I’ve flown my little float plane into places people dream of. I’ve explored places that postcard photos are made from.

What I long for is to explore. To do something different.

For me, what many of you are doing right now, while dreaming of doing what I am doing is what I want to do.

I want to explore the towns along the pacific coast, spending time in each one. I want to see the history of California, to visit the old missions.

To me the trip south is not envisioned as the actual time between ports, it is the time in those ports exploring.

Ahhh, I see, A to B.

See my signature below, taught to me by our daughter when she was a toddler :D
We are planning a cruise from Lake Michigan up into Lake Huron and into Lake Superior on the South side over to Duluth. We will cruise the Apostle Islands, maybe part of the North Channel, if Canada is open, other wise, just take our time and cruise those areas that we have not cruised before. We can't go up to Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, as we will be cruising with our dog and no pet are allowed in the National Park, even to just hit the beach and do their thing. It is a wilderness and left that way, with a population of wolves and moose. Only dogs that are allowed are certified service dogs, and they must be pre-approved before you go.
We will probably cruise Green Bay of Lake Michigan and Northern Shore of Lake Michigan along the Sothern shore of the Upper Peninsula. Beautiful cruising grounds, especially the North Channel of Lake Huron.
Well, when I finish work in January, I’ll keep heading south. I’m thinking I might explore Florida for a month or two, dunno where specifically. Then when spring starts creeping in, I’ll get to meandering back north again.

I was thinking I might do the Rideau and thousand islands this summer, but I’m going to assume that the border may still be shut.

I’m thinking Maine instead. I haven’t been there since I were a lad. Never been to the east end of Long Island, or Block Island, or Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket either, so I’ll probably drop in on some of those spots on the way up.
Gruissan, France to Malta via the Italian coast, taking in Corsica, Elba, Sardinia and Sicily. This was supposed to have been 2020's trip.

And yes, Menzies, you are right. It's a BIG assumption and a BIG "IF".

So far I like this plan the best :)

Unfortunately am currently on the wrong side of the Atlantic, wrong side of the US!
I’m thinking Maine instead. I haven’t been there since I were a lad. Never been to the east end of Long Island, or Block Island, or Martha’s Vineyard or Nantucket either, so I’ll probably drop in on some of those spots on the way up.

Maine = Fog = Lobster Pots in Fog...

Make sure to take somebody with you who likes swimming in cold water with a sharp knife to cut off the lobster pot ropes you will invariably get wrapped around your shaft a few times.

I was the kid with the knife in the water in Casco Bay every time Dad managed to get tangled up with one. For some reason, it always seemed to be October. At night.... Brrrr...........
2021 Cruising plans

January, 21 near Bahamas. Bimini, Berry Islands, maybe the Abacos?

March, April 21 still Bahamas - Eleuthera, Exumas, Nassau.

August, Sept. 21Florida Keys, Cuba

After that - who knows??
Some people are homebodies and find adventure between the stepstones in their own back yard....because that is their comfort zone.

Others find adventure in reaching the north and south poles.....

Nothing wrong with either... except when one doesn't understand and finds fault with the other.
Maine = Fog = Lobster Pots in Fog...

Make sure to take somebody with you who likes swimming in cold water with a sharp knife to cut off the lobster pot ropes you will invariably get wrapped around your shaft a few times.

I was the kid with the knife in the water in Casco Bay every time Dad managed to get tangled up with one. For some reason, it always seemed to be October. At night.... Brrrr...........

Having been to Maine and knowing scores of others who never snagged a lobster trap, I’m thinking it’s not the fog and lobster traps to blame but, maybe your dad? :)
Having been to Maine and knowing scores of others who never snagged a lobster trap, I’m thinking it’s not the fog and lobster traps to blame but, maybe your dad? :)

Hmmm. Interesting perspective. Taking it a step further, maybe he wanted an excuse for me to practice my cold-water swimming skills ;-)
Love reading these plans!

Mine are a bit modest, but I’m excited.

In May Jacksonville outside to Charleston (likely hop up since I’m just taking the dog). Then ICW back.

I’ve lived in FL damned near all my life, and have never been to Charleston nor Savannah. Lol
Mid Summer, we'd like to cruise from NC (Neuse River) up to the Chesapeake for a couple of months.
Having been to Maine and knowing scores of others who never snagged a lobster trap, I’m thinking it’s not the fog and lobster traps to blame but, maybe your dad? :)

Hmmm. Interesting perspective. Taking it a step further, maybe he wanted an excuse for me to practice my cold-water swimming skills ;-)

Either way, I'm assuming I'll run over one at some point, and I'm not looking forward to it, lol.
Hoping to get up in the Broughtons.
Always passed them by except anchoring one night.
Since I was a young man I’ve had Kawatsi Bay pegged as a destination.
The same people were running it in 04 per my old Waggoner Guide.
That’s good to see. Perhaps the pancake man is still at Shawl Bay.

Better get there soon. Max is getting pretty old. Anybody know how he is doing?
Hoping to do the North Channel late in the summer as a shakedown for the loop the year after, assuming I get everything put back together...
We'd like to get up north to perhaps the Broughtons. No specific plans and I'm assuming it will be mid to late summer before there is any chance of the border opening. but we'll see. If not, we'll head up to the San Juans with everyone else. Didn't make it this year because of some medical stuff, but I'm about done with that keeping me home. Good luck for everyone's plans.
Lets make one or two assumptions.

Actually just the one BIG one.

The vaccines take hold, regulations are relaxed to the extent that we can cruise unhindered. Let's just pretend that we are in 2019 (or unlimited in 2021).

Well, in Menzies dream world first.
-We'd cruise the eastern Caribbean in January and February and early March.
-Then we'd take delivery in Italy in April and cruise Europe through September.
-Then in the fall we'd cruise from Myrtle Beach to Pensacola.

Now in what I believe to be a more realistic world
-We would mostly cruise locally early in the year but would get in at least a six week cruise in the Bahamas in January to March.
-We would take delivery in Italy but only be allowed to use locally and unable to visit any other areas of Europe. We'd return home and cruise locally.
-In Late August to September we'd return to Europe and get in at least a few weeks in the cold. Then in November we'd ship the boat from Italy to the South Pacific and our winter/summer cruising would be there. We'd hop to get the boat back to the Med and enjoy summer 2022 there.

We see the Bahamas as one of the safest places to cruise now due to their strong protocols. We don't see the world at large opening up until late summer at the earliest.
We plan to cruise to the Rio Dulce in Guatemala for the Hurricane season and to get some boat work done. After that, we may cruise to the Bahamas.
IN late June we will leave Nashville, TN and head down the Cumberland to the top of Lake Barkley, stay at Half Moon Bay for a few days, then head up the Ohio River to Galconda, Illinois, Evansville, Indiana Owensboro, KY Louisville for about a week (family there), Cincinnati, Maysville, Franklin Furnace/Ironton, Ohio for a week (family), and Huntington, West Virginia and back. Should take over a month. Then in late summer/Fall a trip down the TN River to Alabama and all the super water there on the way to Chattanooga.
I expect to be working remote at least until summer 2020. I hope to leave San Diego in feb/march 2020 for SFBay area and Sacramento Delta. Then head north in early June for PNW. Possibly leave Freedom there over the winter and then further north into Alaska in summer of 2022.
Let's hope

We had planned to do the Rideau this year and will do it next year if Canada is open. We'll do the loop from Ohio to Montreal to Lake Champlain and home on the Erie. Something like 115 locks but great fun. We did it several years ago and can't wait to repeat.
We plan to cast lines in late June (roughly 1 week or so before July 4th weekend) and be back at the dock the weekend after labor day.

We're going to spend the first couple of week's, and the last few weeks at Block Island, RI. In between we plan on heading to Cuttyhunk, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

We only plan on doing 6 things:

1) bicycling
2) clamming
3) Beach
4) Dinghy Rides
5) Hang out on the boat (Cooking, puttering/projects, swimming, reading, in general ...living)
6) Socializing with the 4 other boats that are part of our social circle.

Shops, restaurants, bars, antiques, art studios, attractions, etc.,.....just like 2020.....will not be on the 2021 itinerary. (For which our hearts break).

Unfortunately, I have circulation and respiratory issues. I was cursed with immortality in my youth, and as a result was convinced that I could neither become sick from, nor addicted to cigarettes. When I finally managed to quit 29 years later, I found out my immortality had been rescinded without any notification.

We're not going to sit behind shuttered windows, but we're not going to begin behaving like the pandemic doesn't exist either.
Lobster Pots in Maine

Having been to Maine and knowing scores of others who never snagged a lobster trap, I’m thinking it’s not the fog and lobster traps to blame but, maybe your dad? :)

After many cruises to Maine (sail and power), I do not know anyone who has Not snagged a lobster pot line. The further east, the thicker the fields of bouys. And those toggles... Sail through them when you can, under power your spinning prop pulls them in.
Line cutters anyone?
We spent 100 days to complete the Downeast loop in 15. That seemed like a good pace, with time to look around, got to Sagueny (a week) and a week in the Bras d’Or.

You might save time (if you fit) by not going out to Oswego. Clockwise I presume?

If you get back to Maine anytime in September you will have no problems. That leaves plenty of time to get South again.

Our optimistic plan is the same as 2019 (cancelled for both son’s weddings) and 2020, (COVID), head to Newfoundland to explore the South Coast as far as St Pierre and Miquelon.

Maybe if we look sad enuf the Canadians will adopt uDan

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