2021 Cruising Plans

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Just read the part about lobster gear.

We spent 3 months and 2000 miles in Maine this summer and never ran afoul. But we are single screw and well protected.

Cutters are not a bad idea for twins, but just paying attention to the set of the tide makes a big difference.

At least 99% of the Canada part of the loop there is no lobstering in summer.

I'm in Long Island Sound generally. Probably cruise to Newport RI this year for the first time. Not a big fan of Block Island anymore. Generally a couple weeks in the summer is our longest vacation cruise. May include some of the other RI/MA/NY islands. Recommendations are welcome.

Dutch Harbor in Jamestown RI is nice. There is a little place at the marina with fresh fish and lobster tacos. Plus only a few minutes walk into town. Dinner at Simpatico. Then spend a day at Mackrel Cove. Also we did Fall River where can moor next the the battleship. Pm me for other RI haunts
There's no way that this summer will see the end of COVID-19, but it's fun to read the daydreams. I'm expecting to get the vaccine in Spring (I'm kinda old but healthy), while most of the population will get it by Fall. We're a long way from being out of this mess.
That said, I expect to have two possibilities after spending May and June near home on the Chesapeake before it gets too hot:
1. If Canada opens in July, go up the Hudson, explore the 1000 Islands and adjoining Canadian areas, return to the US via Lake Champlain and then either leave the boat up there over the winter or return to Annapolis (actually Kent Island) in September. This was the 2020 plan.
2. If Canada is still closed (the most likely event, IMHO), go up Long Island Sound to New England. I haven't cruised there in decades. Maybe up as far as Maine before turning around and either leaving the boat in the Bristol MA area (my daughter lives there) or return to Annapolis.
As the polar explorer Amundsen said, "Adventure is just bad planning."
I have serious doubts that 2021 is going to bring a return to pre-COVID living, but if it does we will be on Miss Maui and heading into Canada's Gulf Islands and Desolation Sound. We want to spend our money with the wonderful folks who are trying to make a living on three wonderful months per year.

If 2021 ends up being like 2020, we will stay put (retiring to Maui has its benefits...). Not because Maui is so wonderful in the summer, but because the idiots running Seattle have turned it into such a sh!t-show that there is no way that we will give them a penny of our money. Seriously. And Olympia? You must be joking.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I remember Thalidomide. I'll take the vaccine after we've seen a solid year of after-effects documented. Until then, we're staying put and staying safe. And we miss being on the water.
Things may never return to pre-covid days just like the world was forever changed on 9/11. However, I'm hopeful that by summer things will be much better controlled. As the vaccine get more widely used, infections and deaths should drop. From what I am hearing it won't take long before it's widely available. Fauci said yesterday March/April timeframe. I can understand some fears of the vaccine, but the virus is no joke either. it may kill you, and if it doesn't you could be miserable while you have it and have some long-term after effects.
I agree with the latest sentiments stated here. I don't think we will see "great" improvements in the situation until fall to late 2021. Hope I am wrong (and it happens sooner), but based on the number of people to vaccinate and the ongoing spread, deaths, and long term health affects, I would be surprised if it happens sooner.
Personally, I am with Robster on the vaccine. I am not at the front of the line anyway, but I will feel more comfortable with a "wait a bit" and see approach. Until then, we are not planning any specific trips, just taking a wait and see approach to life while continuing to do our best to protect ourselves.
On a side note, I am a little concerned about what long term economic impacts may still be coming and how that may affect us all, especially us "retirees" on "fixed" incomes? A lot of uncertainties associated with all of this mess.
I agree with the latest sentiments stated here. I don't think we will see "great" improvements in the situation until fall to late 2021. Hope I am wrong (and it happens sooner), but based on the number of people to vaccinate and the ongoing spread, deaths, and long term health affects, I would be surprised if it happens sooner...

Yup...The natural peak season for other known respiratory spread coronaviruses is late winter and spring, so we're just heading into peak season now, if this one behaves the same way.

Has recently gone past 725,000 new confirmed cases per day worldwide, so should hit 1,000,000 new cases per day before vaccines start having a perceptible effect.


Probably going to be several years before things are 'normal' again.
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Here's a short article on the seasonal aspect to previously known coronaviruses:

With funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the UM scientists from 2010 to 2018 used specific monitoring guidelines to track respiratory infections. Between roughly 900 and 1,400 residents with children participated each year in the Ann Arbor area, accounting for roughly 300 households annually. They designed the project primarily to evaluate influenza virus, but they also tracked human coronaviruses OC43, 229E, HKU1 and NL63.

...The UM study identified 993 human coronavirus infections during the eight years and detected a seasonal pattern of infection. Outbreaks typically began in December, peaked in January and February, decreased in March and ended by May. Very few coronavirus cases occurred from June through September.

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Are we talking worldwide or the U.S.? Worldwide I agree late 2021 at best, but I expect the US should be in much better shape by summer. The vaccine will coincide with the natural seasonal decline. Regarding the economy, fixed income retirees should have less worries then those that are in their peak earning years IMO. Put your savings in a safe place if you are nervous. I know some people who did that when the market began to sink and missed out on a very good year of returns.
Are we talking worldwide or the U.S.?...

Ahem... :socool: ...Canada is also part of this conversation making it an international discussion, and how the rest of the world is doing will have an effect at borders.
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Ahem... :socool: ...Canada is also part of this conversation making it an international discussion, and how the rest of the world is doing will have an effect at borders.

Agreed, but for many of us that stay within the US, the summer may look much different than other countries I suspect.
Agreed, but for many of us that stay within the US, the summer may look much different than other countries I suspect.

Good point.

Went back to OP and it said...

Lets make one or two assumptions.

Actually just the one BIG one.

The vaccines take hold, regulations are relaxed to the extent that we can cruise unhindered. Let's just pretend that we are in 2019 (or unlimited in 2021).

What are your cruising plans for next year?


...so the thread went wandering down a Washington State to Alaska tangent, which brings BC into the equation. My bad.
Plan A: Glacier Bay via Inside Passage...

Plan B: Cruise the San Juan Islands again next summer. (Pretty awesome cruising grounds in our own back yard!)
Keep a weather eye on this one (new variant in UK)

The increased infectivity of the variant is illustrated by the fact that, after appearing in Kent in late September, it was responsible for 28 per cent of infections in London by early November and in the week ending December 9 accounted for 62 per cent.


No word yet on mortality rate.


...and now South Africa:

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I got BIG PLANS for 2021!


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Dutch Harbor in Jamestown RI is nice. There is a little place at the marina with fresh fish and lobster tacos. Plus only a few minutes walk into town. Dinner at Simpatico. Then spend a day at Mackrel Cove. Also we did Fall River where can moor next the the battleship. Pm me for other RI haunts

Simpatico looks great, never been there. Hope they are open next summer, thanks!
We heard the taco shack is gone. Latest iteration it is now an oyster bar.

Oysters are good too. Noank Shipyard in CT is our favorite new marina we found by chance last year. They have their own clam shack at the head of the dock which is very good, and also Abbot's Lobster in the Rough right next door. Besides the food though, the Marina is first-rate with spa-like showers, etc. Worth the short trip from RI.
We are planning a cruise from Lake Michigan up into Lake Huron and into Lake Superior on the South side over to Duluth. We will cruise the Apostle Islands, maybe part of the North Channel, if Canada is open, other wise, just take our time and cruise those areas that we have not cruised before. We can't go up to Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, as we will be cruising with our dog and no pet are allowed in the National Park, even to just hit the beach and do their thing. It is a wilderness and left that way, with a population of wolves and moose. Only dogs that are allowed are certified service dogs, and they must be pre-approved before you go.
We will probably cruise Green Bay of Lake Michigan and Northern Shore of Lake Michigan along the Sothern shore of the Upper Peninsula. Beautiful cruising grounds, especially the North Channel of Lake Huron.

Mr LB,
I hope you get a chance to stop by while you're visiting the Apostle Islands. Our dog would probably love the visit with yours too!

As we're still working, our plans are more limited. We have a 1 week cruise planned up the south shore of Lake Superior to visit Copper Harbor and then down to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Our return will be up the Keweenaw Waterway with a stop at Houghton.

Our other trip will be a Lake Superior crossing with time between Grand Marais, MN and Grand Portage, MN.

The rest of the time will be spent cruising the Apostle Islands and working from the boat. A pretty good compromise from my perspective.

We're in the process of purchasing a new boat, so before we can come up with any cruising plans, we need to figure out how to START the dang thing!:whistling:
We are planning a cruise from Lake Michigan up into Lake Huron and into Lake Superior on the South side over to Duluth. We will cruise the Apostle Islands, maybe part of the North Channel, if Canada is open, other wise, just take our time and cruise those areas that we have not cruised before. We can't go up to Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, as we will be cruising with our dog and no pet are allowed in the National Park, even to just hit the beach and do their thing. It is a wilderness and left that way, with a population of wolves and moose. Only dogs that are allowed are certified service dogs, and they must be pre-approved before you go.
We will probably cruise Green Bay of Lake Michigan and Northern Shore of Lake Michigan along the Sothern shore of the Upper Peninsula. Beautiful cruising grounds, especially the North Channel of Lake Huron.

As we're still working, our plans are more limited. We have a 1 week cruise planned up the south shore of Lake Superior to visit Copper Harbor and then down to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Our return will be up the Keweenaw Waterway with a stop at Houghton.

Our other trip will be a Lake Superior crossing with time between Grand Marais, MN and Grand Portage, MN.

The rest of the time will be spent cruising the Apostle Islands and working from the boat. A pretty good compromise from my perspective.


The Great Lakes, especially Superior, were the favorite part of my 2017 trip. Looking forward to getting back up there soon.

BDofMSP I will definitely look you up as we cruise up through The Apostles. We are also looking at possibly cruising up to Grand Marais/Cook County. Looks like a nice area. We will certainly PM you to let you know where we are along the South Shore so we can meet up.
The Puget Sound Grand Banks Owners group just announced the Mother’s Day rendezvous will be moved to September with hopes of less restrictions. Mother’s Day weekend they are playing a smaller cruise to Roche but without gatherings. Both of these have been added to our cruising calendar but much will be left to see how the virus shakes out and how much my work slows down.
Oh Yea we’ve all got big plans ............

And maybe we’ll execute some small plans.

But clearly the elephant in the room is virus.
Oh Yea we’ve all got big plans ............

And maybe we’ll execute some small plans.

But clearly the elephant in the room is virus.

Count myself lucky that my parents decided to move here when I was a kid. Couple lifetimes of boating on BC's central and north coast, especially if you want to visit spots in all four seasons and add hiking to the mix.
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Oh Yea we’ve all got big plans ............

And maybe we’ll execute some small plans.

But clearly the elephant in the room is virus.

But maybe not too much longer.....

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