36GB classic lifting points

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Veteran Member
Nov 17, 2007
Vessel Name
Unicorn V
Vessel Make
1981 Grand Banks 36CL
Unicorn V is a single with fuel tanks positioned just aft of the transmission. Water tanks are in the lazerette. I’ve never really been satisfied that my placement of lifting slings is correct. The bow strap is placed in line with the bulkhead just ahead of the helm door. The aft sling is placed aft of the tanks but still probably 10ft forward from the end of the skeg. I welcome thoughts and experience of others
Unicorn V is a single with fuel tanks positioned just aft of the transmission. Water tanks are in the lazerette. I’ve never really been satisfied that my placement of lifting slings is correct. The bow strap is placed in line with the bulkhead just ahead of the helm door. The aft sling is placed aft of the tanks but still probably 10ft forward from the end of the skeg. I welcome thoughts and experience of others
Thanks Steve…pretty well the placement I’ve been using. Our yard uses single slings which shouldn’t make any difference.
Most GB's have the sling locations indicated from the factory by using different screw heads in the metal (bronze or stainless steel) rub strip; i.e., they are all oval head but the "sling indicator" screws are flathead. I might have the exact screw types wrong, but you get the idea. GB dealer showed me that on our first GB many years ago. Good luck!
Next time they haul out your boat, take a look at the load pressure gauges on each of the slings. The driver can see these from his control position, so you may have to ask. The center of gravity can be calculated using this number, and that would give you an idea where to locate the straps for equal load distribution.
Thanks Steve…pretty well the placement I’ve been using. Our yard uses single slings which shouldn’t make any difference.
Welcome. If you look inside between the straps there is a bulkhead. Single sling goes under those bulkheads. I never found those screwheads mentioned on mine.
Most GB's have the sling locations indicated from the factory by using different screw heads in the metal (bronze or stainless steel) rub strip; i.e., they are all oval head but the "sling indicator" screws are flathead. I might have the exact screw types wrong, but you get the idea. GB dealer showed me that on our first GB many years ago. Good luck!
Scott wins. Although I’m at the boat daily it was only today that I remembered to check the screw heads in the rub rail. Sure enough, on both port and starboard fore and aft the usual flat head screws are replaced with 3 oval head ones. Simple. Thank you.
First, your yard people who handle the lift probably know your boat or a similar one regardless of, if the lift points are identified on the hull.

Second, you will probably find that the lift point coincides with where your bulkheads are on the boat. Our are by the stairs to the galley and the stairs to the MSR, which is forward of the end of the keel.

Third, if you don't have the lift points on te hull, get yourself a label maker and with the widest tape that will fit into it make 4 labels that say SLING. Put them in the appropriate spots.
First, your yard people who handle the lift probably know your boat or a similar one regardless of, if the lift points are identified on the hull.

Second, you will probably find that the lift point coincides with where your bulkheads are on the boat. Our are by the stairs to the galley and the stairs to the MSR, which is forward of the end of the keel.

Third, if you don't have the lift points on te hull, get yourself a label maker and with the widest tape that will fit into it make 4 labels that say SLING. Put them in the appropriate spots.
Thanks for this. I have now identified those “signal”screws and they are where the bulkheads are. I’ve lifted her every year for 20 plus years at the same yard and am always present to confirm the sling position so all good. Interestingly the yard this year handed out little sticky sling labels. That shamed me into obtaining proper ones!
I always put a stripe of blue painters tape in each sling location to help the yard guys out. I have sling marks for the aft set, but not the forward set on my boat, but regardless, the big blue stripes are much easier for them to see and line up to than finding the little stickers below the gunwale.
I always put a stripe of blue painters tape in each sling location to help the yard guys out. I have sling marks for the aft set, but not the forward set on my boat, but regardless, the big blue stripes are much easier for them to see and line up to than finding the little stickers below the gunwale.
I do the same with with a high vis yellow and a long tail, takes any guess work out. It can be a fine line between crushing the propulsion gear or not.

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