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54' Canoe Stern Trawler by Sparkman & Stephens

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Dec 31, 2015
I saw this boat on trawler forum before I became her 3rd owner. I knew I had to have her as soon as I saw her lines, that she was US built and Fiberglass Construction. I've enjoyed this boat for long range cruising, she is well accommodated and very well behaved. I'm giving the fsbo route a go so please feel free to message me directly if you are interested in information. I'm currently working my way up through NE US via C&D, NYC, Long Island and on to Cape Cod so perhaps a city near you.

Please see link below for photos and info:



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She's a beaut, Clark!

Seriously. Very nice. Is she stabilized? I like my drinks stable. ��
She has considerably less roll than most fellow boaters I see when anchored. She does not have active stabilization, only "bilge keels". The link to the sales ad has pics, they are substantial, about 22' long.
Beautiful boat! My wife approves! We are huddled inside our little boat in Marsh Harbour dodging rain storms.
This is a lot of boat for $197,000. And capable of doing the canal to the other coast for you left coasters.
Looks really nice; love the lines. How much does she draw? Is the 18’ air clearance with the mast down?
I can't decide which word to use to describe this vessel.

A. Awesome
B. Incredible
C. Gorgeous

So I think I'll add D. All the Above!
It's so nice nobody has said anything about the lack of engine room photos!
It's so nice nobody has said anything about the lack of engine room photos!

To say the ad is lacking details would be a understatement!

Also whats up with 450G fuel cap.?

Lovely looking vessel but as a full time cruiser/live aboard who very rarely uses a marina, I always wonder how you get out of the water if swimming and get out of the dinghy with groceries, dinghy fuel/gas bottles etc.
I always wonder how you get out of the water if swimming and get out of the dinghy with groceries, dinghy fuel/gas bottles etc.

Climbing up a ladder from a bouncing dinghy onto a rolling boat is not grand. But my cousin on his old sailboat built a small 2ft square platform that folded down on his side boarding ladder, just above water height. Basically a portable swim platform.

I like side platforms - less motion. Am getting tired of boarding after a dive from the stern, which is always bouncing up and down even at anchor.
Gorgeous vessel. I’d look good in it.
Looks really nice; love the lines. How much does she draw? Is the 18’ air clearance with the mast down?

She draws 4’ 6” and the air draft is 18’8” with mast up but both VHF antennas folded down.
Climbing up a ladder from a bouncing dinghy onto a rolling boat is not grand. But my cousin on his old sailboat built a small 2ft square platform that folded down on his side boarding ladder, just above water height. Basically a portable swim platform.

I like side platforms - less motion. Am getting tired of boarding after a dive from the stern, which is always bouncing up and down even at anchor.

I have a rigid boarding ladder with fold down platform that does help with the comfort of boarding the dink. I have my 70 year old mom on board and she is managing fine with something solid. I will get a photo of the arrangement (when not underway and in heavy fog) and post it.

In my experience if the waves are bad enough to make boarding the dink an issue then its not dink weather. And in that kind of weather boats that have swim platforms are seeing their platform awash. Or they are fighting to keep the dink from going inder the platform. My real world experience on such matters.
Is the tankage in the ad correct? 450 fuel and 500 water? How much does she displace and what's the draft?
To say the ad is lacking details would be a understatement!

Also whats up with 450G fuel cap.?


As to photos of the engine room, I will get some posted..... when Everything non essential (like bikes, trailer, scooters, spare parts) are taken out of it.

To the question of fuel capacity. It may hold over 500 gallons but mind you I don’t care. I’m burning 2.6 gph as I type according to my floscan and doing 7.5 knots. I’m not crossing the Atlantic.

A couple years ago I ran from Brunswick GA to Manhasset Bay Long Island NY (almost 1300 miles) on 392 gallons of diesel and that included any gen set time.

There is capacity for more tankage for a buyer who finds it necessary.
Is the tankage in the ad correct? 450 fuel and 500 water? How much does she displace and what's the draft?

I believe the tankage is accurate with the additional comments about fuel posted above.

USCG docs say 42 tons.
Here are pics of the boarding ladder for Esprit.


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As to photos of the engine room, I will get some posted..... when Everything non essential (like bikes, trailer, scooters, spare parts) are taken out of it.

To the question of fuel capacity. It may hold over 500 gallons but mind you I don’t care. I’m burning 2.6 gph as I type according to my floscan and doing 7.5 knots. I’m not crossing the Atlantic.

A couple years ago I ran from Brunswick GA to Manhasset Bay Long Island NY (almost 1300 miles) on 392 gallons of diesel and that included any gen set time.

There is capacity for more tankage for a buyer who finds it necessary.

Its a great looking boat, I'm not saying anything negative about the boat at all.. fast fwd a couple of years and I would fly out to take a look at it.


An ad for a boat it targeted at the buyer.. it doesn't matter what you feel is pertinent info.. if I was looking at that boat I would expect a minimum of 1000g for its size. So its' unusual to have so little capacity. If it's built as well as it appears its looks like a great candidate for a real blue water boat alternative to a Nordy of a Krogen at a great price. Capacity allows a skipper to choose when to get fuel and allows for longer passages.. both very important on a boat her size. You can bet the users of this forum always ask for ER pics.. even if the bikes and stuff make it look cluttered real buyers will look right through/past that stuff to see what they are looking for.
I'm not trying to be negative towards you at all.. just its so important when trying to sell a unique boat such as yours to give prospective buyers every bit of info possible to make a sale happen.

I wish I was ready to get into another boat.. I would be there looking at her.
Your boat is nothing short of stunning. Agree with the engine room comments. Feel the true quality of a boat is demonstrated below the decks. My life includes my dog, and I am not sure how he navigates to the water. I suppose there is a solution to every problem. Possibly a swinging gang plank with a platform at the bottom, but this would likely destroy the lines of this incredibly beautiful one off yacht. I assume it is a one off. Thank you for sharing this with us. You must be proud. I would give my right arm for that boat, but sadly all I have to offer is my Bertram 35 and my right arm. Someone is going to get a true jewel and piece of maritime art/history.
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Door to engine room, then taking a sweep of photos from port to starboard. The height is sufficient to sit at a stool comfortably. Again, I am underway and utilizing most of the space for storage.


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Electrical Panel in Pilothouse for navigation and main panel below next to engine room access.


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How come the Boattrader pictures lockup after just a couple of frames? Anyone else having this issue?
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