Advise: Best company for getting a "6-Pack Captains License".

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Another I've seen speculated about is a licensed captain aboard a boat being skippered by an unlicensed captain... and if an accident happens, the licensed captain being held at fault. Without much regard to other participants (other boats, etc.) in the situation.

Never have found any recorded instance of that happening.

Thanks Chris...that example I meant to put in my list and it slipped my mind.

I have seen it narrowed down to the point of being plausible...but I too have never seen or heard of an actual case.

I can't imagine where these ideas pop up except in many of the "what if" threads that come and go about all kinds of topics.
"These stories are promulgated by timid people who catastrophize infinitesimal risk as justification to remain comfortably in the bleachers watching life go by.

The good news is, with possible exception of civil service, it is rare to find these types of people in leadership positions. "

You've met my wife?

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