Air filter foam replacement options??

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Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2017
I have a 2004 MS400 with twin Yanmars. I would like to replace the foam filters on the turbo air intakes but they want an arm and a leg for Yanmars. I know boats are expensive but come on, it is really just a cheap piece of foam. Has anyone found a suitable generic replacement? Mine are pretty grimmy and would be easier just to replace them.
I don't know what the intakes on your Yanmars look like, but if they're a round tube with an air cleaner or filter stuck on, just get a K&N or similar the same diameter. Done. I did that on my Universal sailboat engine, it's a marinized Kubota tractor engine. So I got a generic lawn tractor filter the same size at Home Depot. The stock filter element on the Universal engines is a coarse foam screen just fine enough to filter out birds and small children. Also they break down and get sucked through the engine. And they want like $25 for it. Granted there's not a lot of dust in a boat engine room, but there is some. I wanted a real filter.
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I have a K&N the PO put on my Lehman 120.

I have literally have seem all kinds of filters of all different materials on marine diesels.

I believe most are to keep large objects from being inhaled versus filtering fine particles.

Many gasses don't have filters, just backfire flame arrestors.
We looked at a boat with Yanmar 6 cylinder engines in it, I don’t think that K&N filters would fit on them. Personally I think I would buy the OEM filters. If the filter breaks down and gets sucked into the engine at least you migh have a chance for Yamnar to help out. With some generic foam, no chance.
different number, go figure

That sounded too good to be true. My part number is 119195-18880. Of course the one I need is almost $40 at that site and I need 2. I do appreciate the post though. Looked promising. These things are simple foam sleeve. Can't believe K&N or someone doesn't sells one that fits at much lower cost. I am trying to clean them right now. Once they are dry, I will measure them and see what I can find. What a rip off, $40 for a .99cent piece of foam.
I have a 2004 MS400 with twin Yanmars. I would like to replace the foam filters on the turbo air intakes but they want an arm and a leg for Yanmars. I know boats are expensive but come on, it is really just a cheap piece of foam. Has anyone found a suitable generic replacement? Mine are pretty grimmy and would be easier just to replace them.

I put an Airsep unit on my Yanmar 6LPA and use a K&N cleaning kit on it every so often. The Airsep is pretty easily seen if you click on the photo to blow it up.


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This has always irked me as well, it's robbery to charge $40 for a closed cell foam sleeve.

I replaced mine a few months ago with OEM, but I dunked the old ones in a bucket of soapy (dawn) water. They came really clean without any visible deterioration. I may reuse them.
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