Am I the only one who talks to his boat?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Writers and politicians who commit thier many thoughts to video or paper eventually say something opposite to their current position. It would seem you caught Marin with his pants down. As Marin recently said, "pull your pants back up, thats a sight picture none of us need."
dou·ble-talk / Spelled[duhb-uhl-tawk] Noun:
1. speech using nonsense syllables along with words in a rapid patter for purposes of confusion to others.
2. deliberately evasive or ambiguous language: When you try to get a straight answer, he gives you double-talk.
3. to engage in double-talk.
I think that this was the best ever thread in this forum so far. It has been a great way to meet you guys and have a small but precise idea about the personality of each one of us. I have selected in this thread, the good sense of humor guys as well as the bad ones; the ones who fight for their ideas and dreams, and the ones who do not care about being happy, as long as they are comfortable.

Yes I do talk to my boat, I do dream with it now and forever. I am entitle to be happy and carry a smile as many hours as possible during the day, every day!

I think that this was the best ever thread in this forum so far. It has been a great way to meet you guys and have a small but precise idea about the personality of each one of us. I have selected in this thread, the good sense of humor guys as well as the bad ones; the ones who fight for their ideas and dreams, and the ones who do not care about being happy, as long as they are comfortable.

Yes I do talk to my boat, I do dream with it now and forever. I am entitle to be happy and carry a smile as many hours as possible during the day, every day!


Hello Portuguese - You are an insightful, soulful, and happy person! CONGRATS!! :D :popcorn: ;) Art
Most often it's only my boat's parts and equipment I talk to or chuckle at. I do regularly talk to my dog.


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Marin...recognize these words from the syn oil thread???

"Never underestimate the power of superstition......"

By golly I think they are yours!!!! :eek::D:D:D

Is there an emoticon for extreme sarcasm? Apparently a lot of you don't recognize it when you see it.

As Marin recently said, "pull your pants back up, thats a sight picture none of us need."

Again, is there an emoticon for extreme sarcasm? An awful lot sails right over you guy's heads, doesn't it. I guess I'm gonna have to de-tune my writing style into a sort of "TF Mode" when I post here. :)
Until something better surfaces, perhaps a "wink"
will suffice.
I'll try that, thanks Mark. I don't hold out much hope, though......
Word to the wise...

Boastfulness is unbecoming – for anyone. Especially to accomplish self aggrandizing put-downs toward others.
Word to the wise...

Boastfulness is unbecoming – for anyone. Especially to accomplish self aggrandizing put-downs toward others.

Did you really think any different???? :D
Word to the wise...

Boastfulness is unbecoming – for anyone. Especially to accomplish self aggrandizing put-downs toward others.

If I think you deserve it you'll get it. I'm not interested in "feelings."
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If I think you deserve it you'll get it.

I'm not interested in "feelings".

If I think you deserve it you'll get it. SO... What does that make you?

I'm not interested in "feelings". OBVIOUSLY... many recognize that!
I talk to the boat, and she talks to me.... Whenever I do anything to improve her, especially a large project....she lets me know she appreciates it by the way she runs and generally feels.... I can feel her Karma. The previous owner was not a "tool guy", so she relates more to me since I am a tool guy who can work on her and make her better.

I believe a boat has a soul of sorts....and she will reward you for your care and keeping of her. Keep her proud looking and happy....she'll serve you well. Ignore her and abuse her...she'll get even with you!
Keep her proud looking and happy....she'll serve you well. Ignore her and abuse her...she'll get even with you!

I agree with that part of it. Ignore or abuse any machine and it will "get even with you" by crapping out. But not because it has any sort of soul. That's just silly in my opinion. But because like any machine, it will break if you don't take care of it. Believing that an inanimate collection of fiberglass, wood, and metal has a "soul" and has "feeeeelings," is no different than thinking the same thing about dirt. Maintaining and taking care of a boat so that it will run right is one thing. Doing it because you think it acually cares is quite another.

I've gotten outstanding service from every machine I've ever operated, from Land Rovers to Cat bulldozers to a whole bunch of airplanes to a number of boats. I never talked to any of them and they never talked to me. But I took real good care of them and operated them the way they should have been operated. And they never let me down or left me stranded.

I"ve also gotten oustanding service from a number of different horses in years past. I did talk to them.
If I think you deserve it you'll get it. SO... What does that make you?


That's not the word I've have chosen.

When the following four levels of trust and research are combined - - > “Prosecution, Defense, Judge, and Jury” - - > They are utilized to best as possible create check and balance toward approaching the true need for an “honest” absolve or convict decision, as to what a person actually deserves... and then to pass judgment as appropriate. Be it written-copy or any other means of praise or condemnation - - > I feel NO one person, no matter how smart they may feel, has capability or right to alone try and correctly act as all four levels.

I"ve also gotten oustanding service from a number of different horses in years past. I did talk to them.

Horses 'servicing ' you ?
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I love it! Definately the shortest post Marin ever made but certainly one of his best.



Veteran Member

City: Cochrane, Alberta
Country: Canada
Vessel Name: Painters Cove
Vessel Model: 1997 Bayliner 5788
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 45

Actually, since we are being honest now here, I have to admit...I don't actually talk to my boat, I really talk to myself...she just puts up with my s**t. Gee...talking to myself...I need to see a Dr...oh...I forgot...I am one, so I can't be mad...can I...? Oh, Oh...
I talk to my Bear all the time, she isn't answering me yet, though. :confused: I promise her every day to take care of her and bring her back to her former splendor. This is my first ever boat so I am on a very steep learning curve. Ken has had lots of boats, but nothing as imposing or majestic as Bear. I know she will respond to me, she has had a few past owners so she is wary and still deciding if I am worthy or if she is going to chew me up and spit me out into the river. :nonono: I will be patient, only been 6 weeks since we brought her over from Stuart.

I not only talk to her, I caress her when I do sometimes. ;)


Congratulations on your Bear. Keep thinking like that and you'll only have reasons to smile.

Don't be afraid to be happy
The boat talks to me.

the engine, the wind and the waves . water over the bow. The rain on the roof.

I listen and interpret these sounds to tell me of things going on with the boat.

I don't talk back so it's is not a conversation.

I do listen.

The boat talks to me.

the engine, the wind and the waves . water over the bow. The rain on the roof.

I listen and interpret these sounds to tell me of things going on with the boat.

I don't talk back so it's is not a conversation.

I do listen.


Well put! Good at cha - SD!
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The boat talks to me.

the engine, the wind and the waves . water over the bow. The rain on the roof.

I listen and interpret these sounds to tell me of things going on with the boat.

I don't talk back so it's is not a conversation.

I do listen.


Now THAT is a good answer. We listen too, to every machine we operate, on the ground, in the air, in the water. Good on ya, SD.
The main reason there are no sterio speakers in the wheel house.

If anyone on board has to have music playing it is out on deck I have two really nice speakers mounted on the deck.

The sterio is in the wheel house. I make the call on that.

Ever listen to a glacier or just the quiet in a small cove.

I love to listen.

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