Another new start for Helmsman

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hi Nate,

Update on Embark. It been a joy to work with Scott, Gary and Van this past week swim platforms, through holes, system hookups.. as well as Eddies team on commissioning the electronics.

Working on Embark for a week, the electronics should be done by Monday and the mechanicals (crane, davits, etc) will be done next week. Opted to install a salt and fresh water washdown on the stern as well as hand rails to grab talking in on stern. We will figure out the washdowns before the vessel leaves.

I did setup the Starlink RV system and it screams (even in congested downtown Seattle). It'd be great to really know if this is a long term solution so I can decide where to do the final install. I've heard some have put the antenna in the dingy (flybridge) covered it and it works. My obsession is to plug and play with my camper, so I want to buy an extra set of cables and walk away with the dish and modem to go to baja for 4 months in a camper.
Back home for a few days - I didn't look to see how easy/practical to drop the arch and grab the antenna. thoughts on that?

I'm asking Scott to get an estimate for a 120v placement inside the flybridge so that the starlink router can be stored there,

Comments, have you figured out where your installing?

You mentioned above: One thing for future buyers of a helmsman to consider is to option an additional under FB outlet

Do you mean an additional outlets inside the flybridge?

It is great to work with people who are sincere and care about your experience receiving a boat!

I did mean installing a 120 volt outlet inside the flybridge cabinet. Placement would be important, as will the type of outlet cover. This outlet could be considered “indoors” but will still experience higher humidity, heat and cold than the interior ones. If you have an outlet installed that has a cover that flips down, it may work, as long as it doesn’t pressure the plugs.

Placement is important because the area is also a storage area, and you will have a 25 foot cord to the starlink. That will mean you may need to choose a side of the arch to mount on.

I haven’t decided the 120 volt location yet, but will play with locations as we head up the river next week.
There is a simpler solution here if you want to use it. It took two minutes to feed the antenna cord from the flybridge cabinet down into the cabinet above the microwave. A lot of electronics come into the boat that way. We leave the router plugged in there, keeping this sensitive bit of electronics out of the elements and obviating the need to put another outlet in. Then the challenge is to route it into your arch, but that may be better done through the ceiling panels in the salon. Regardless, there is no need for power on the flybridge to manage the Starlink.

We do have an external outlet on the flybridge which is very handy for inflating the dinghy and powering the Christmas lights.
and to remind, we made the explicit choice not to permanently mount the dish. Instead we put it up when using it by attaching it to the railing. This has allowed us to take it down during the off season or whenever we are in our home slip where we have solid internet. Just a personal choice.
Thanks for the feedback. They guys are wrapping up tomorrow, so its decision time.

After speaking to a SLink owner at Roche Harbor who mounted his, and is happy with his starlink on his zillion dollar yacht. I rolled the dice to install on the arch and moved the modem to the cabinet as you said.

On the arch, it's a simple step ladder fallen wrench, unplug and go to Camper with it and Modem.


SL on port on the arch, Radar centered, wind indicator and SAt GPS on Starboard side. The SL mounting would be on a pole and it can be used for something else later, new antenna, gizmo or covered. Being an arch, and I'd never know it some white plate is there on top..
Plus, no cords crossing walkways etc. btw - we believe there could be interference if the dish is in line (same height) next to the radar. There's been rumors that the SL antenna needs to be above the radar so the pole will be a 1'+ to clear it.

I'm assuming the geo fence isn't a issue and they stop raising the monthly fees doing this.
Where does the wire run from the arch enter the cabin?
It runs down into the cabin with the other lines inside the bridge. The Modem will be in the center cabinet (same as the stereo). The photo is wide angle, the pole looks like its 4' but more like 2'


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So no need to install 120v inside the bridge doing this. thanks for the insight.
It is a great idea. I DC hardwired my Peplink under the FB. The Starlink flat panel will plug into the Pepwave and I won’t use the SL router.

What 120 volt outlet are you using in the pictures cabinet?

Everything I have read states that the radar will impact the Starlink so the plan should be to have it above or below the radar beam.
It is a great idea. I DC hardwired my Peplink under the FB. The Starlink flat panel will plug into the Pepwave and I won’t use the SL router.

What 120 volt outlet are you using in the pictures cabinet?

Everything I have read states that the radar will impact the Starlink so the plan should be to have it above or below the radar beam.

Im back up on Henry in the San juans. I left yesterday to ensure Im not in the way, plus I get lightheaded when I see someone drilling a hole in my boat. Anything bigger than a 3/8s drill, I'll pass out. So the pics you see above were just sent to me. In a short chat yesterday, I believe they are hardwiring a circuit breaker bar in the cabinet with on/off (saving my drain from SL when not using it!), so I can plug in the modem and future toys like peplink. I'll find out more on Monday see the as-built design.
Im back up on Henry in the San juans. I left yesterday to ensure Im not in the way, plus I get lightheaded when I see someone drilling a hole in my boat. Anything bigger than a 3/8s drill, I'll pass out. So the pics you see above were just sent to me. In a short chat yesterday, I believe they are hardwiring a circuit breaker bar in the cabinet with on/off (saving my drain from SL when not using it!), so I can plug in the modem and future toys like peplink. I'll find out more on Monday see the as-built design.

That would make sense
All your Starlink posts are sincerely appreciated, since I'm planning with Eddie for an install on the 46. On the 46, the interior hull framing is progressing. Topsides and flybridge mold build also ongoing.
There is a simpler solution here if you want to use it. It took two minutes to feed the antenna cord from the flybridge cabinet down into the cabinet above the microwave. A lot of electronics come into the boat that way. We leave the router plugged in there, keeping this sensitive bit of electronics out of the elements and obviating the need to put another outlet in. Then the challenge is to route it into your arch, but that may be better done through the ceiling panels in the salon. Regardless, there is no need for power on the flybridge to manage the Starlink.

We do have an external outlet on the flybridge which is very handy for inflating the dinghy and powering the Christmas lights.

I was thinking of mounting the power brick and router to the bulkhead adjacent to the lower helm seat. Then run the two power cords aft about 4 ft, and plug them in to the 120V outlets on top of the reefer cabinet.

However, your set up sounds like it may be a better way. Couple questions for you (see attached marked up photo):

Are you mounting both the router and power brick in that little cabinet just above the microwave?

Power supply from the 120V outlets as I show?


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I was thinking of mounting the power brick and router to the bulkhead adjacent to the lower helm seat. Then run the two power cords aft about 4 ft, and plug them in to the 120V outlets on top of the reefer cabinet.

However, your set up sounds like it may be a better way. Couple questions for you (see attached marked up photo):

Are you mounting both the router and power brick in that little cabinet just above the microwave?

Power supply from the 120V outlets as I show?

Will be good to hear the answer. You could also run a 120 volt 14 awg from the outlet on the FB, down through the chase that opens into that cabinet through a small panel. That may be much easier than going up the cabinet. I would suggest protection for the wire where it enters into the cabinet. And to seal the cold from the FB and the heat from the engine room that will flow through that chase.
On our boat there is a plug in the cabinet above the microwave. This powers the microwave. The other socket powers the router for the Starlink, which connects to the dish. There is a small panel with four screws in the back of the cabinet that gives you access to the chase. I drilled a hole and fed the antenna cord through this panel and up to the flybridge cabinet that is overhead.
For your rig you may want to just feed the antenna cord from this point to the arch via the ceiling panels. I do not know how and where the arch electronics come into the boat (I have a mast), but it is easy to find out by pulling the ceiling panels out.

Hope that helps.
Almost Home

Alba Bella was offloaded in Victoria. B.C. this afternoon. Scott sent this beautiful photo of her serenely docked in front of the Empress Hotel. We hope to meet up tomorrow in Port Townsend.

Dude! How exciting! And what a beautiful boat. Looking forward to seeing it in person on the water this year. Congratulations. Man, that hull looks gorgeous.
I think ours I next in line. Can’t wait…
I was thinking about you and Patti yesterday. Congratulations! The boat looks great! That hull really sets it off.
Alba Bella was offloaded in Victoria. B.C. this afternoon. Scott sent this beautiful photo of her serenely docked in front of the Empress Hotel. We hope to meet up tomorrow in Port Townsend.



It looks fabulous!

Does that photo realistically capture the color? Ours is the same color, hoping to have it sometime this summer.
Looks like you will have a snotty run down to Seattle. I'll be watching for you coming through the ship canal. We are just past the Ballard Bridge as you head towards Lake Union.
We just met the boat in Port Townsend where it cleared customs. Our impression after seeing the actual boat is that photos don’t do it justice. It is beautiful and we were able to identify it when it was just a speck on the horizon. We are thrilled. The.customs agent liked it too.
Scott is single handing it to Seattle. Because of a paper work issue, clearing customs took longer than expected. We got some quality time poking around Rick and Nancy joined us for the ooh and ah session. Tomorrow it will haul out in Seattle for the swim step and through hulls.

It looks fabulous!

Does that photo realistically capture the color? Ours is the same color, hoping to have it sometime this summer.

Thank you, and yes, the photo captures the color perfectly. It was absolutely thrilling to see it in person. We couldn’t be happier.:dance:
Scott is single handing it to Seattle. Because of a paper work issue, clearing customs took longer than expected. We got some quality time poking around Rick and Nancy joined us for the ooh and ah session. Tomorrow it will haul out in Seattle for the swim step and through hulls.

Where do you haul, and any idea when Scott will reach Seattle? I'll try to get some pictures if I can.
Good idea to watch the haul out. A chance to look at the hull and running gear, watch how the swim step is attached and how the thru hulls are done. If it's at Seahawk, they will do a proper job.
Scott arrived at the docks after transiting the big locks single handed in the dark. Right after arriving, he let us know our boat has arrived safely. That says all you need to know about Scott and the Helmsman Trawlers team. We look forward to learning the boat from the people who make and stand behind a quality product.
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