Auto Start Gen?

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You mean you’d leave the boat alone, fully opened, all day, while your animals, in this case Parrots, are on board? Let anyone any other animals. 90+degrees is a hot temp for birds, and dogs or cats. I’d be worried about theft also.
You mean you’d leave the boat alone, fully opened, all day, while your animals, in this case Parrots, are on board? Let anyone any other animals. 90+degrees is a hot temp for birds, and dogs or cats. I’d be worried about theft also.

Assuming the animals are kept in such a manner that fleeing is not an option, yes. rather than risk their death by overheat from a loosened shore power cable or tripped breaker, failed generator impeller, fouled fuel filter, tank run dry, burst cooling hose or broken exhaust elbow with all the resulting CO.Every one of these has happened to ME.
Random update to this post... I installed that Furrion transfer relay (50a) about 10 months ago or so. After seeing someone on this post talk about it... It's been working flawlessly since installed. I literally just "unplug" from the the dock and GO... The only time I personally turn on the gen now is to run AC (air cond). Otherwise, everything is automatic. Gen kicks on when batteries get down to 12.2v runs for 3 hours and shuts itself off (that seems to be right about what they need to get right back up to "full charge" on the Magnum display. I have also added the Balmar SG-200 (w/ bluetooth) for a more reliable SOC/SOH. Wasn't all that impressed with the one I got for the Magnum (it's just "ok" compared to the Balmar)...
I am a BIG FAN of idiot proofing my boat and the systems on the boat. I feel like this setup really checked a big box on that one for me... :)

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