Bahamas SIM cards

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Apr 22, 2017
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Hatteras 63' CPMY
Is it possible to obtain a SIM card for the Bahamas in Ft Lauderdale? Or will we have to buy it once we cross?
Are you sure you need a BA sim? Last year when we were in the Bahamas, our US Sprint phones worked fine, and unless you make a lot of phone calls, was cheaper than buying a sim and paying for a Bahamas connection. Also, if you use a Bahamas sim, you will have a Bahamas phone number and no one will be able to phone you on your US number.
He probably wants it for the data.

Yes you can, check out Mr Sim.

We use my wife's ATT International Plan for calls and get a BTC SIM for my phone and buy the $35 30 day data plan. We renew for the three months we are there.
We used Mr. Sim one year, we had heard lots of good things about it, so we were excited to try it. Unfortunately, when we got over there it didn't work. Our son, who is a software engineer, spent like four hours on phone calls with Mr. Sim before they finally got it working. In the end we decided it's just easier to get a sim card from BTC. BTC and Aliv both told me there is no way to get a sim until we arrive in the Bahamas.

Because we have to keep up with work while we are over there, we use a decent amount of data and we also like having a phone that will work locally. Verizon (our US provider) has a roaming plan, but it is $10 a day and their coverage is super spotty. A sim card is about $30 and easy to install. Data through BTC runs us about $75 a month.

I think I'm going to try my island wifi this summer though, I've heard good things about it and it is unlimited data. You can get it before you go across.
We have Island WiFi, but wanted to be able to call ahead to the occasional marina. How much are the roaming charges to make a call with a Verizon phone? Is it possible to use our Island WiFi modem to call over the Internet? Via Skype perhaps?
Are you sure you need a BA sim? Last year when we were in the Bahamas, our US Sprint phones worked fine, and unless you make a lot of phone calls, was cheaper than buying a sim and paying for a Bahamas connection. Also, if you use a Bahamas sim, you will have a Bahamas phone number and no one will be able to phone you on your US number.

With all the spam calls we get that is a plus, not a minus!
...We use my wife's ATT International Plan for calls and get a BTC SIM for my phone and buy the $35 30 day data plan. We renew for the three months we are there.


We get a Bahamas SIM card for data only. In 5 years I don’t think I’ve never called any one on it. We have an unlocked USB modem. That and $35 USD gets us 15 GBs of data.

Data limit 15GB
4G LTE compatible Yes
Rollover Data Yes
Auto Renew yes



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I think Verizon has two "plans." There is a $10 a day option, called Travel Pass where you are only charged if you use your phone. I'm not sure if an unanswered spam call would activate the $10 charge. I think it includes some data in the $10 as well.

There is also a monthly plan, it's around $130 and includes 2Gigs of data. These charges are on top of your regular plan.

It's an option for sure, but for us BTC has been a little better. We have good coverage with them most everywhere.

I think a BTC sim card and basic call plan with a tiny bit of data would run around $40 per month. I'm leaning toward doing that with the Island Wifi next year, but like I said we have to keep our business from going off the rails when we are gone.

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