Baja filter

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I have one that was made by Rybovitch , Monel body and screen.

Excellent in removing crap and water before the tank.

Places that hassle about the slow fill are frequently the worst fuel sources.

One clown told me his fuel was >perfect< , after filling and paying , on departing I left a cup of PERFECT from my filter outside the fuel hut door.
They are kind of a pain due to slower fueling ..but they do work. I have a original large aluminum baja filter and I use it quite a bit. If a fuel dock gives you greif ask to run the first 20 gal. Through it then check the results. If it's clean decide if you want to argue for its continued use. I even use it a home to run suspect gas through prior to dumping it in the riding mower. They really do a great job of getting junk and water out of crap fuel.

On our across the pacific trip I filtered all fuel and never had a fuel issue..and we got fuel from some very sketchy places.

I goy my current large one on ebay for about $75.00

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West Marine sells one for $35. Are they all the same, as the Rybovitch look a bit more robust and sell for $100.
We used our Baja Filter religiously for 3,000 hours on our single engine (FL 120) Defever 41 while out cruising. Never had a fuel problem. They are wonderful. West Marine used to sell them but no more. I don't know if they are available any longer. There are imitators out there. They may be ok, but the original is dynamite.
Shurhold, the brush people, make a type of filter funnel called Mr. Funnel.

Up until recently they didn't have one with enough capacity to be used for fueling large boats.

They now make one that will pass 12 gpm. I've used the smaller ones off and on for about thirty years and they really do work.

You can fill them with water and nothing comes through.

Pour in some contaminated gasoline or diesel and out it comes leaving the water and dirt in the funnel.

Large Fuel Filter Funnel - Fuel Filter Funnels | Shurhold

I've never used a Baja Filter so I can't say which is better.
Thanks for bringing that to our attention, I'm ordering one.
I've thought about making one out of a Racor 1000 element and pieces of PVC pipe....just until I travel further than the ICW...not too worried.

Though I just had a report of bad fuel here in Cape May...just goes to show you.
They work up to a point. But are in no way a substitute for good on board filtration. So unless you are traveling well off the beaten path or in an area known to have very contaminated fuel I don't see the point. I've gotten fuel from here (FL) to the West coast of Costa Rica and in between and never had the need to use one.
funnel fuel filter

RACOR also makes funnel fuel filter/water separators
Here's for those who haven't seen a Baja Filter. Nothing will get through the 3 filters. The only down side is it's real slow but great for checking fuel quality or transferring from jerry jugs.


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