Big sailboat sunk by tornado

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Suing widows and orphans is rarely popular.
Not sure being the moving party in litigation is,without more, automatically preferable. You have the burden of proof, the Defendant can snipe and put you to proof. You may be opening a battle you can`t win.
But yes, far too little hard information to guess an outcome or apportion blame.
The 'rogue lawyer" story sounds BS. What lawyer kicks off proceedings in a client`s name without instructions. A very rare one imo.
Does someone always have to be at fault ?
What if the builder built a good boat that was the victim of a freak accident? The boat was fine for 15 years.
What if the crew chose a good anchorage and properly secured the vessel, then responded appropriately when conditions went south? Sometimes $#!t Happens.
The builder does seem like a bit of a dick to me. He accused the crew of doing wrong right away. Then made a video saying pretty much the same thing and when someone said something they didn’t like they cut him out of the video. So IMO he is at fault of being a dick anyway.
Does someone always have to be at fault ?
No! The freak storm hypothesis is very much on the table. Hopefully the investigation(s) will be thorough and we'll all learn from this tragedy.

None of that excuses the behavior of the builder. He went on the attack, making assumptions and accusations before all the facts are known. Exactly what we're all saying that none of us should do.
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