Boat names that just have to be shared.

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I don’t understand people that don’t respect their boats and put names like that on the boat. Lack of maturity???
A lot of people view boats without the romance of the sea some have.

Look at all the different activities people use boats for where the boat is just a means of doing it.

TF is a different world than most boaters live in.....everything from naming them to caring for them.....etc....etc.....

Many other boaters belly laugh at the subjects from here I bring up at dock talk happy hour.
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I saw a boat in Bermuda while walking around named


It was, and I was rolling around laughing.
We saw a "Bow Movement" the other day
:eek: Gawd!
My father has had three boats over the course of his eighty seven years.
Lathos, Lathos II and Lathos III. Lathos is a Greek word meaning mistake.
I don’t understand people that don’t respect their boats and put names like that on the boat. Lack of maturity???

Have you seen some of the boats that have those names? Usually big express cruisers with lots of colored lights and huge sound systems that never leave the dock (and watch out if they ever do!)

My favorite boat name of all time: Never Again II
Maybe a half point for creativity in some cases and lots of negative points about character. psneeld has it right; there are just plenty of folk with no respect for either themselves or the poor boats they inflict these names on. It just doesn't bother them, just like the neighbor with the overgrown yard and junk lawn mowers rusting away.
For the record, with the exception of weekend toys, I too think that a boat should have a dignified name.
For the record, with the exception of weekend toys, I too think that a boat should have a dignified name.

And feel free to do so, but our feelings aren't worth a spit to many boaters.

Many respect me and my experience, but could care less about naming their boat.
We all come to the sea for different reasons and the boat's name is part of an expression of ourselves. In the UK where I was born it is common to name a boat after a lady; your mother, spouse or another important figure in life.

In life we judge new acquaintances by their words, demeanor, dress and accoutrements. The crass name provides another helpful identifier. However don't write them off. They may be going through a phase! I once named a motor boat Mate Tricks, thinking it was a cool play on the current movie of the time Mattrix. Most were not amused :)

At the same time I had a sailboat which I named Basic Mazecraft, which I instantly regretted as I had to explain the name to everyone I came across.

I am now in a Moon theme: MoonStruck, MoonDance, MoonShadow.

My point exactly....

Many boaters in the US don't come to the the romance of cruisers, voyagers, seamen, etc.....

They buy boats to fish, drink, party, water ski and the like, lay around, have a place at the shore to hang, go fast....etc...etc.... Look at how many are abandoned or what's in a ridiculous name to them?

They could care less about what their boat name means to anyone else other than what they think it does...
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My point exactly....

Many boaters in the US don't come to the the romance of cruisers, voyagers, seamen, etc.....

They buy boats to fish, drink, party, water ski and the like, lay around, have a place at the shore to hang, go fast....etc...etc.... Loook at how many are abandoned or what's in a ridiculous name to them?

They could care less about what their boat name means to anyone else other than what they think it does...

I thought this name singularly appropriate.


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The most humorous I have seen was Ship Happens. The funny part was its dinghy: Piece of Ship
While I agree that boats should have a dignified name, there are some people that have quirky senses of humor, and try to keep the mood light. I am a former captain and mate on large sportfishing yachts. Two names that come to mind are “Plastic Toy” and “Poverty Sucks”. These names were on the back of multi-million dollar sportfishing yachts, with full time professional crews, and were maintained with an open checkbook. The owners of both of these yachts were the nicest most respectful people that you would ever meet. They just didn’t take themselves so seriously.
While I agree that boats should have a dignified name, there are some people that have quirky senses of humor, and try to keep the mood light. I am a former captain and mate on large sportfishing yachts. Two names that come to mind are “Plastic Toy” and “Poverty Sucks”. These names were on the back of multi-million dollar sportfishing yachts, with full time professional crews, and were maintained with an open checkbook. The owners of both of these yachts were the nicest most respectful people that you would ever meet. They just didn’t take themselves so seriously.

I had a boss once with a poverty sucks poster in his office. It was a picture of a garage with an RR a Ferrari and several other high dollar cars. He was a bit of a dick. He drove, while I knew him, an Aston Martin, RR, Lotus Esprit. For him it was an expression of his ego. I wish him well and hope he grew up.
I don’t understand people that don’t respect their boats and put names like that on the boat. Lack of maturity???

My wife cried when we sold our last express cruiser, she had hand drawn a custom design for a mail order vinyl decal next to the boat name, “Luna.” The buyer removed everything and renamed her with some sexual reference involving the word “slippery”. Firemen [emoji57]
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Wifey B: We don't think dignified vs. not so much as we think of the use of the name. It's used over the air on VHF and used to communicate with other boats, with bridge tenders, and with lockmasters. It's also used over airwaves that those of all ages and persuasions hear. I also want something easy to say and to understand, efficient for it's use. As much as I love sexual references and double entendres and puns and words that cause doubletakes this isn't the place I choose to use them. I have thought of lots of joke boat names and those I'd never use. I also don't have vanity license plates, I don't want to be that noticeable. Our boat names are very functional and nothing more. Boring but appropriate to task. :)
As much as I love sexual references and double entendres and puns and words that cause doubletakes this isn't the place I choose to use them.

I agree. Speaking of misplaced references, I humbly submit the following joke:

A woman walked into a bar, said to the bartender:
"I'll have a double entendre please"
So the bartender gave her one.
A couple of years ago just after we purchased our boat we were searching for a new name. We both sing in our church choir and at practice, the choir director was frustrated with the choir - said "can't you see the word Adagio on your music - you know that means 'slow movement' " I looked at my wife and mouthed 'that's it'. Perfect for our slow (8mph cruise) boat. ADAGIO it is.
The most humorous I have seen was Ship Happens. The funny part was its dinghy: Piece of Ship

Maybe the same boat, or maybe different....

“Ship Faced”, and tender “Piece of Ship”

I just think it’s very 12-year-old, or drunken humor that only another drunk finds funny. Neither is very becoming.
Star was "Sun Over Beach" when I got her. NFL
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