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Boat wanted Monk 36

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Sep 15, 2014
Vessel Name
Elaine May
Vessel Make
Monk 36
Just finished Trawler Fest 2018 and AGLCA Rendezvous. Decided Monk 36 is the only boat for us. Looking for a 1996-2004 Monk 36 Classic.
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Just finished Trawler Fest 2018 and AGLCA Rendezvous. Decided Monk 36 is the only boat for us. Looking for a 1996-2004 Monk 36 Classic.

There are 2 for sale on the Monk Owners Association website. It has limited access.

PM me if you want me to forward contact info.
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There are 2 for sale on the Monk Owners Association website. It has limited access.

PM me if you want me to forward contact info.
Driving to FL to look at a 36. Also found a nice 36 in northern MI but it may cost a lot to store six months before moving it south
There is a 1994 in Titusville, FL and a 2006 in Montreal, Canada.
Thanks High Wire. I’m going to keep looking. Just went aboard 36 in Jacksonville, FL. It was rough and generator. Is that usual.
Thanks High Wire. I’m going to keep looking. Just went aboard 36 in Jacksonville, FL. It was rough and generator. Is that usual.

Not sure what you are asking. A few words dropped out.
Sorry. The Monk 32 we looked at today, didn’t have a generator. It seemed it never had one.
I think most were added in by the selling dealer. Mine came out of a Canadian dealership and did not originally have air or a generator. Both were added in 1987. That is two things about Monk 36s. Almost every one has different Air and generator installations. Not that it is wrong, just different.
Tx High Wire. I’ll keep that in mind as I keep looking.
Where are you intending to use it?
We looked at the Monk 36 in Titusville Municipal Marina, FL. It looks good and shows normal wear. But we did not get excited feeling we like. Also there has been 2 owners in 2 years. Something odd there. The hunt is still on.
DC36Monk. We are hoping to our first 4-6 months in flat smooth waters like inland water while getting acquainted. Any suggestions
DC36Monk. We are hoping to our first 4-6 months in flat smooth waters like inland water while getting acquainted. Any suggestions

I live in the PNW and do most of my boating in British Columbia. I'm spoiled by the cruising opportunities here. Sometimes it's flat but then sometimes, not so flat. what you will find with the Monk 36 is that it will comfortably handle more than you're comfortable handling. They're great boats.
Driving to FL to look at a 36. Also found a nice 36 in northern MI but it may cost a lot to store six months before moving it south

A fresh water winter stored vessel may be worth the hassle, especially in comparison to a hurricane area boat.
Got to agree with you. We’d prefer a fresh water boat for sure
In northern Michigan I bet on the hard winter storage goes for something near $1,000. Add less than $500 for shrink wrapping and a couple of hundred for winterizing if you don't do it yourself and the whole winter storage thing should be less than $2,000.

But hurry if you want to be able to do a sea trial before the water freezes.

I like Monk 36s as well. Same as the GB 36 but 2/3 the price.

At our marina on Lake Superior, outdoor storage is $34.50 a foot (about $1200 for the 36'). Includes haulout, bottom wash, and launch. Does not include shrinkwrap, which is $21/ft, not including zippers, vents, or framing. It's Wisconsin, but only a couple miles from Northern Michigan.
FL boat

There ar two boat of interst, one in upper Michigan and the other in Newfoundland. Obvious logistical problems though. Guess we’ll wait on the breakup now. The search continues
I have found myself in Newfoundland 3 times within a year. I predict that boat will have very little sun damage. [emoji106]
Boat wanted

Tx diver dan...might be awhile. Have you ever imported a boat into US
Boat wanted

...and diver Dave also
Coalman. Is this boat in st johns area? Nice harbor there with nonstop flights out of toronto. Cant help on the import thing.
Mr. C. That would be one HELL of an outstanding, once in a lifetime, bucket list trip. St. John's to Durango!

This can be a thread on its own, but there seems to me to be significant wear items that exist on a southern boat that do not exist on a northern boat, and vice versa.
From my years of large boat shopping in Florida, vs shopping in the Great Lakes area, and NE boats that are around 30 years old, the differences are marked.
Sunburn is top on my list, and followed by corrosion damage topside and on running gear. This is compounded by the southern all season boating pattern, and the tendency to keep metal in the salt bath that has both longer duration and higher salt content. The damage follows into heat exchangers and strainers. Northern boats could suffer from freeze/thaw damage and hull distortions from extended dry storage, but all in all, I see much better looking boats north.
Oops; I realize that I just alienated the Southern Hemisphere. Replace north and south with high latitude and little latitude.:D
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