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For Sale: Bristol Stove

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 5, 2012
Vessel Name
Northern Spy
Vessel Make
Nordic Tug 26
Early 80's Dickinson Bristol stove with 3" stove pipe and weather head. Has fan kit. Try $300?


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Today, that looks pretty good! We are supposed to go to -11 tonight in Pender Harbour. You're probably the same? Maybe you should hook it up and put it on your porch? I would love it if I had the room, maybe it might fit in my stateroom...
I'm in Northern Alberta currently. -30's all week. Windchill in the -40's. Hope this isn't a precursor to the really cold months...
I'm in Northern Alberta currently. -30's all week. Windchill in the -40's. Hope this isn't a precursor to the really cold months...

It warmed up a bit, it was -32 earlier lol


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Gotta be tough to live here lol


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Someone (lil) asked if I still have this for sale. The answer is yes, I put it in my shed and forgot about it, so it is still for sale.
Sure wish I had room for it in my boat. Now that we're down south we plan on quite a bit of winter cruising. Just got my Wabasto rebuilt cleaned out or whatever they do but when it's freezing the Wabasto dosn't make things toasty. At 40 degrees it does though. After talking to the Wabasto guys I'm going to get a day tank and burn kerosene.
I have a smaller wall mount stove but don't have room for that either.
I like the stoves like your Bristol. Light'em up and just use windows and doors as a thermostat.
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I had a Bristol in my old 37' Seabird Ketch. When I moved to the dark side, Cause I liked the Bristol so much, I retrofitted a diesel stove to Retreat.

Unfortunately, not a lot of folks have had the experience of a good diesel stove, so get turned away by its often dirty appearance. When selling the Seabird, the broker reported lots of otherwise interested people being turned away by the stove, so I pulled it out and sold it. I had a spare 4 burner propane stove from the conversion of Retreat, so with that installed, the Seabird sold quickly.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your price. You just need to find that enlightened buyer who wants to go with a diesel stove.
Wish I had a reason to buy it Spy. I keep looking at it and just may because of its cool factor. Somebody help me save garage space and buy it off the man already.
I thought about using it to heat the greenhouse this winter. But I don't think my wife will go for it...

Hey Spy,

I am very interested. I have been looking for heater for some time. I have been living on my sailboat for the last 5 years and have been getting tired of being cold every winter. This would make the boat much more bearable in the winter than my old woodstove! I'll give you a shout soon.



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Cool. Never thought about putting ads in Lund or Saltery...

I PM'd you my contact info. See you soon!
>After talking to the Wabasto guys I'm going to get a day tank and burn kerosene.<

This will make it easier to light off , but will not cause more heat in the cabin.

Same for Espar , kero is great if the unit has a thermostat and cycles.

In out trawler we have both gymboled range and a Dickinson.

The Dickinson is a work space in warm areas , a God send when it gets cool.

Heat for MONTHS with no electric is fantastic.

Maint (on crap house fuel) is 5min a month.
Yes the Basto has a thermostat.
I'm switching to kerosene for it's clean burning nature.
The thought never entered my mind that kero would produce less heat. If so I'll bet it's a very small difference. If the heat from kero is much less I may want to reconsider and keep burning diesel. My Basto is very small and my boat insulation is zip.

Now that I'm not in Alaska taking the unit to Sure Marine for cleaning is quite easy to do, inexpensive and there's so much to do and see in Seattle. Fun.
Is this still for sale? What would be approximate shipping to 08087 Tuckerton, NJ?
I imagine by the time you got done crating the unit it might not be worth it overall.
Sure looks like it would be a perfect fit for my Gulfstar.
Is this still for sale? What would be approximate shipping to 08087 Tuckerton, NJ?
I imagine by the time you got done crating the unit it might not be worth it overall.
Sure looks like it would be a perfect fit for my Gulfstar.

Yup still in my carport. When I get home later this week I'll measure and weigh.

You never know, you might get a heck of a deal.
Anything yet? Let me know....
Depending on if a lift gate is needed or not I can arrange for a commercial shipping company to pick up the unit.
Depending on if a lift gate is needed or not I can arrange for a commercial shipping company to pick up the unit.

As a guess a Bristol about 75 lbs, box it and UPS might transport it.
:eek: UPS cheapest estimate was over $300 to Tuckerton.
Northern Spy it's a great deal but another member close to you has expressed interest. I have to pass on this great deal.
Still wondering when you might decide to make contact with me.


Actually I haven't even had the opportunity to go to the island at all since the offer, which is kind of unusual as I'm usually in Victoria a few times a year. I still have it in my carport and you still have dibs.
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