Hi Folks,
Responding to the buyers broker question...
This is coming from a Newbie, only experience we've had was on runabouts. Now am the proud owner of 1988 Grand Banks Classic, "Angelina". So, here's the story and hope that it proves to be helpful to those of you who may be looking for a "buyers broker" or just some fantastic people who are always there when you need them to guide you along in the process. No, I am not a paid client for my opinion. Just one heck of a happy customer and boat owner.
My wife and I started our search some 2 years ago. We knew we wanted to get back to boating, just weren't sure to what extent or what kind of boat, etc. After attending countless boat shows and speaking with as many brokers, I finally attended a TRAWLERFEST. That was pronbably one of the best things I could have done for our search. It gave me a whole new experience and insight. I thought I knew what I was doing before attending, going to boat shows, etc., but that was nearly as helpful as the Fest.
While there I attended many many workshops that covered a range of topics from purchase, survey, type of vessel for you, new boats & used boats, engine specifics, weather topics, first aid, safety, cruising, how to care for your cruiser and more. I attended several workshops presented by a fellow by the name of STEVE ZIMMERMAN. WOW! What I learned from this unassuming boatsman was incredible. Steve also conducts an engine course with Nigel Calder. Steve is the kind of fellow to stop and speak with the "common folk" after his presentations and is happy to impart his thoughts and ideas on any question you shoot at him. So, of course, I told him my story and he listened and responded. Our conversation ended and I knew much more than I had know about boats just an hour before. Interestingly, as I walked out of the workshop I saw a small publication, "Yacht Purchase Support Program." The information outline a process used by Steve's company to assist in purchasing newer used boats. This program seemed to include the assistance I needed to help with the purchase of our first "big boat". Note, not once did this gentleman mention this program during the presentations. He was not hawking his goods!
Anyway, my wife and I read through the information, made serval phone calls to clarify any questions we had about the program, check references and decided to go with Steve's service. Shortly after my signing of the contract I began to work with a representative of Steve's group by the name of Haywood May. We meet Haywood through our initial creation of the cruising profile that would be needed for the process. After several conference calls(we are located in Long Island, NY, Steve in MD., and Haywood in ME.) we began to receive listings of the boats that suited our needs based on what we presented in our cruising profile meetings. From that point we worked closely with Haywood until we came upon the boat we now own. Our process from start to finish was about Oct to June.
The entire process has been incredible. We had a super surveyor by the name of Mike Prevetti out of Solomons Is, MD. We couldn't had a better one for my money. To this day, if I text Mike with a quick question, he is back to me in no time at all.
The service we have received from Haywood was nothing short of incredible. He is a man of integrity, honesty, and a straight shooter with a certain dry sense of humor...a great guy. He tells you the good, the bad and the ugly of the boat or anything else he needs to share with you to help you make this major decision. His response time either in phone call, text, or email was terrific. he helped us through the entire process from purchase, documentation, survey, water trial, possession of the boat and cruising the boat with us from ME to NY. I can't say enough good things about this gentleman.
In our entire experience, I have to say that everyone that i have come into concat with this organization has been specular. Every time I call one of the 4 shipyards that are a part of Zimmerman Marine, I get great service. Folks are eager to answer my sometime foolish question with out pause. The service after the process was been as good as the service before we signed the contract to use the service.
In a nutshel, the service included: boat selection, cruising profile, the survey process, post-survey negotiations, post survey estimates/cost. BTW, there is no added cost to you, the buyer. There is credit for services at Zimmermans based on the purchase price of your boat, a post purchase limited warranty, and 24/7 technical support. Anyone interested should really check out the web site: ZimmermanMarine.com find out for yourself.
feel free to reach out to me for clarifications I might be able to provide.
42 GB Classic (1988)