This will not block the diesel engine noise. "Sound Deadener" is the material to stop vibration of thin metal panels. It is a sandwich of butyl and aluminum foil (it is ~1/8 inch thick). You may need a few square feet to block vibrations of the cabinets, stove parts and tops of the fuel tanks (if they are metal) but it is almost useless for blocking the low frequencies of the diesel engine noise. End Quote:
Hummmm, brazzen comment. Save to say from a distance of a boat that has the product installed and would be available for personal determinations.
For what reason other than offering a personally known solution to the forum, would I proffer something than had no benefit? The offering was made knowing that there are many sound material available at what cost?
Many of us smaller and most likely, lesser amounts of cash to spend, are looking for economical solutions. This was one. In any event, sir, the boat, my boat, is noticeably quieter for having installed this product.
Regards, Al