Cat 3208 Antifreeze Capacity

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2015
Hi All,
Looking to remove my Cat 3208 heat exchangers, how many gallons of antifreeze should I expect to have to catch to empty the heat exchanger? I assume the antifreeze tank on top will also have to empty.
I was also thinking of just flushing them in place If I do how many gallons of flush (thinking of using Barnacle Buster) would I need?
The book says a total of 41 qts will fill the engine and coolant tank. Just the heat exchanger and coolant tank are about 5 or 6 gallons if you drain from the valve or plug under the heat exchanger bundle. Be prepared for some spills from the end caps when you remove them but most likely you'll get some sea water in that. Are you just servicing the cooling bundle or are you removing the whole assembly? If you are doing the bundle I would plan to have a competent radiator shop clean and test the bundles. Mine charges $150 each. Also, depending on condition, you could ask them to also clean your end caps. Not a bad idea to run a 22 caliber rifle cleaning rod down each of the tubes after they have been cleaned to be certain they were well cleaned. Mine were, my brother's were not. My end caps were not bad but my buddy and my brother's were awful. In that case let the shop soak them. You may want to plan to replace your end cap mounting bolts as most of the ones I've seen have suffered from some leakage over time and you'll want new ones. They are the same bolts used in the after coolers so extras won't go to waste although aftercoolers boxes don't leak water unless you have a huge problem. Let me now if you have any other questions as I just did mine, my friend's and my brother's.
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