Chinese Anchor Drum Winch

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Senior Member
Apr 12, 2021
Vessel Name
Last Hurrah
Vessel Make
Ta Chiao/CT35 Sun Deck
I have an ancient EZ-1000 drum winch.

EZ Pull Winch.jpg

Pictured without housing

It has worked fine up until this pass spring. I rebuilt it this summer but it has malfunctioned again and I have decided to replace it. I am considering an EZ-Anchor Puller Rebel 4.

However, before I sell off one of my kidneys to pay for the Rebel 4 I thought I would find out if anyone has had any experience with the Chinese anchor drum winches.

I am looking at a 1000W Freefall Boat Anchor Drum Winch sold by Gibson Boat RV Supply in Florida. Gilson sells on eBay, Amazon and Bonanza. Price is about a $1000 less then the Rebel 4.

Comments and recommendations are appreciated.

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