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Whale Tale

Mar 21, 2024
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We have a 2001 40 foot pacific trawler flybridge
There is a control you plug in to raise the dinghy but I can’t find a control or switch to raise or lower the beam which has a separate motor
Photos? Usually it just plugs in on the davit arm or base.
The up and down control plugs in to the propane compartment
I don’t have a separate control for the beam that I can find
I’m not sure what to send a picture of?
Are you sure you have the correct controller? My crane has all the functions on one control. Rotation, luff, and winch.
The controller has an up and down button
I’m not sure how to do more with only the one button
Might be the wrong controller. Can you check with the PO?
Would help if you gave us the model of the crane.

Based on your boat size, I am guessing that the crane boom is set manually and that rotation is also manual. This would leave only a cable in or out button on your controller.

Typically all buttons are on one controller. If you only have two buttons this would mean you only have cable in and out. If you have 6 buttons this typically means you have cable in and out, boom up and down, rotation right or left.
Thanks everyone for thier help. My wife, Karol, noticed a toggle switch near the controller plug in and when the toggle is up is runs the lift motor and when down the beam motor so problem solved. We have always been sailors, this is our first trawler and the previous owner is sadly in poor health so we will probably have more questions.
Thanks, Jim
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