Cruising Grand Bahama and Abacos, need some recommendations

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Senior Member
Oct 5, 2019
United States
Friend asked me to accompany them over from FL to Grand Bahama and Abacos for 7-10 days of cruising. My experience has been only a sailboat doing Berries, Eleuthra and always staying on the hook.

They want to stay only in Marinas. This is 60' boat. I am doing research so was hoping some others here might have done this trip and can give some recommendations.

Oh, and I need to find prices of water at Marinas. I was surprised at this request, but the water is apparently to wash the boat when we dock. I have much to learn about powerboating, my sailboat on a mooring gets washed when it rains ;-)
What are you researching, the voyage or marinas? How fast is the boat? If they are worried about $$ of water, they're in for a treat with fuel and dockage rates.
Nice marinas; Old Bahama Bay on West End, Spanish Cay, Green Turtle has Bluff house and the GT Inn. Several around Marsh Harbor, The Sea Spray on Elbow Cay.
North Eleuthra has Vallentines and two others.
Chub Cay Marina, N Bimini has several as well. All easy day cruises.
Thank you for this. Researching both where to go and which marinas to stay in. Boat cruises at 9, can do 20. Looking at what places and cays to see on Abacos, maybe jumping over as you said to Berries and Eluethra. Don't think he is worried about costs.
If you get down to south end of Berries, I highly recommend Chub Cay Marina - great and beautiful spot.
It has been quite a while since I did the Abacos, and much of this has probably changed, but here goes:

Marinas in Marsh harbor offer free water with the dockage. All others charged for it, often at 50 cents per gallon.

Finding space for a 60’ boat will be tough. I suspect that may cause you to stay in one place and go to the other islands by ferry.

What is the boat’s draft. Anything more than 5’ may also cause you to stay in one place in Marsh Harbor.

" What is the boat’s draft. Anything more than 5’ may also cause you to stay in one place in Marsh Harbor. "

My Morgan 451 ketch drew 5.5'. I took it into west End, Lucaya, Green Turtle, Marsh, Hope Town and Little Harbor(on 3/4 tide) No problems, just watch out going around Whale and below Tiloo.
A 60 footer likely has a water maker, We run a 60 foot Grand Alaskan Trawler with 5' 6'' draft and did the Abacos last year. Abaco sea we had plenty of water as long as you are conservative and cautious.

Marinas I think water was .15 per gallon, except we just ran our 800 gallon per day water maker and skipped that.

Marinas were cheap until March then the high season started and went to $2.50 or so per foot.

Electric was some times dicey and a few places we still used a genset.

Good Luck

Wade Cordy M/V Synergy
Grand Alaskan 60
Currently cruising the Exhumas.
If you are going to Grand Bahama….Freeport/lucaya, here is a great place if you want a dock.
Grand Bahama Yacht Club has gotten very greedy. If you stop to check in at Grand Baham a Yacht Club, they now charge $50.
About 5 minutes down the canal, in a cove, is a private dock, about 150 feet long. Check Active Captain.
Gilles Taillefer is the owner. It is a very secure and protected. Dockage is $75/night, including electricity and water. He allows the use of his pool and barbecue. If he isn’t busy he will drive you where you want to go.
Sawyers Market, almost a Publix, is a 10 minute walk.
Straw market and restaurants are a quick dinghy ride.
Anyone have any updates on the Anna Marie, stuck on the beach on Abacos for some years?
7-10 days is not a doable time frame for going to, cruising, and returning from the Abaco's. We did it last spring. Consider that often you have to wait for an appropriate weather window to cross the Gulfstream. Subscribe to a weather service. Chris Parker is highly recommended (

Please be aware that many areas are still rebuilding from Hurricane Dorian. Marinas are generally rebuilt, but check first. Marsh Harbour is the best stop for groceries (Maxwell's).

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