Deck chairs???

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Folding camp chairs as shown in post 39. Got four stored in companionway locker. Store very compact. Works well as often the cockpit is for fishing and all the furniture needs to be gone. Start socializing with polite company, go get the chairs.
Yup. Keep a few of those in the lazarette. My boat is too small, do for dock use only.
I had the up-side-down pic problem too w my new i-pad Pro but I think I've figured it out. Took the pics w the camera lens at the bottom of the pad. I'll try next time to take the pic w the pad held so the camera lens is on the top.
Don't feel bad - happens to me al the time. :eek:

Thanks Giggitoni, what did you do to turn those pics right way up..?


I copy and load the photo into Photoshop, rotate, save and repost on the end of the thread. We don't have to use Photoshop for the task. Most any photo software will have a rotation feature.

I don't know why our photos are rotated to a wrong orientation at times. Perhaps it has to do with auto-resizing...???
Here I am at the office.
Took the pic w the camera lens at the upper corner of the i-pad.
Posting now.

Yup it worked. I don't know how many ways there is to get a pic up-side-down but taking it w the camera lens down (on the bottom corner of the pad instead of the top) will result in an up-side-down posted picture.


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I`ve seen, and used, a photo upload program which has rotation in the upload process. It would save some neck bending and screen upending if TF had it.
Sorry to highjack.

Issue :
The photo appears in the right orientation on the iPhone / iPad when you click on the photo and view it. But in the post, it’s rotated 90 degrees.

Explanation :
When you take a photo in portrait view, iPhone / iPad records everything like in landscape view. This is related to iPhone / Ipad orientation and how it handles EXIF data. Indeed every picture writes as well internally generated informations (EXIF data) whose the orientation of the photo.
iPhone / iPad does not correct the orientation itself because it would be harder (and longer) to take another photo immediately after the last one taken.
Then TF (many webmails as well) doesn't interpret EXIF data on uploaded images.

Approach :
- Download & install Camera+ App which interpret EXIF data about orientation. But it will take time between another photo immediately after the last one taken.

- Before posting, your photos must be manually rotated as shown in my post #65.
We have a couple Kettler Romas $149 at Amazon. They are very stout resin and remarkably comfortable. Fold flatter than you might think.


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I chose the same chairs with the heavy stainless steel frames. I called the manufacturer who informed me that these were the only model of their folding chairs that were strong and stable enough to be recommended for use underway. Since my new-to-me boat has no seating in the cockpit, I bought four of them on sale over Christmas for use underway and dockside. I fold them when not in use, and had a fitted cover made to protect them. We'll see how they work out.


Same seats here. When I bought my pair a few years ago I searched extensively as I found these awfully expensive but wanted something marinized that would last. I have had them for ~ 7 years and they are still great.

I finally found that the Sportsmans Guide had the best prices by far, and if you paid the nominal fee to join you saved that with one purchase. I then let the membership lapse and then joined again when I wanted to buy something else from them. They often have some great deals on there.

Guide Gear Deluxe Folding Boat Deck Chair - 623191, Fishing Chairs at Sportsman's Guide
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Same seats here. When I bought my pair a few years ago I searched extensively as I found these awfully expensive but wanted something marinized that would last. I have had them for ~ 7 years and they are still great.

I finally found that the Sportsmans Guide had the best prices by far, and if you paid the nominal fee to join you saved that with one purchase. I then let the membership lapse and then joined again when I wanted to buy something else from them. They often have some great deals on there.

Guide Gear Deluxe Folding Boat Deck Chair - 623191, Fishing Chairs at Sportsman's Guide

Menzies - TY! Sportsman's Guide is very cool site for purchases of seats and thangs! I've copied its link into a "But It" folder I keep with such links.

I have had four of the seats pictured in your post for nearly a decade. They are more years than that aged as two came with one cruiser and two with another I purchased. Two are aluminum framed and two are stainless. Aluminum much easier to handle due to less weight. Both sets show no problem except rigid white plastic ends on tubing cracking from sun damage and rubber foot pads eventually wearing through. I found replacements for those items in a local full service hardware store.

Happy Boat-Parts Search Daze! - Art :speed boat:
We have two Costco chairs pictured in #48. They are very comfortable, sturdy, rust proof, and collapse for easy storage.

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